Rick Fox revealed to be one of the worst League players in NA

By Mike Stubbs


May 29, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Former NBA star and current Echo Fox co-owner Rick Fox appears to be struggling when it comes to actually playing League of Legends, as he is currently the 98th lowest ranked player in all of North America.

This revelation comes from a Reddit user who took a look at Fox’s account in the ranking system and did the math to figure out that there are only 97 players with a worse rank on the North American server. Ranked at 1,070,936 out of 1,071,034, Fox checks in as one of the lowest level players on the NA server. A further look at his stats show a win rate of just 32%, with 64 wins to 135 losses.

With such a low rank, Fox is in the Iron 4 division with just 5 LP. If he were to lose that 5LP he would tie with multiple other players at 0 LP to become the joint lowest ranked player in North America.

Despite the low rank, Fox has been playing quite a lot in recent weeks, even tweeting about his troubles in ranked play in recent days where he revealed he recently dropped from Iron 3 to Iron 4.

Fox bemoaned his struggles with Lucian in particular.

“Well I got out of Iron III finally! Yeh the only problem is I went to Iron VI whomp whomp,” Fox said.

He has mostly stuck with Lucian as his champion of choice, but has also experimented with Malphite, Ashe, and Miss Fortune in recent days. Although none of these other champions seem to be working out too well for him either.

Of course, being at a low rank like this probably isn’t where Fox wants to be, but he at least seems to be enjoying his time playing the game, as can be seen by his tweeting on the subject.

It’s easy to forget that playing League is all about having fun at the end of the day, unless of course you are one of the select few who play LoL for a living. Then it’s a little more serious. But if Fox is having a good time playing, and for the sake of his teammates, hopefully improving, then who are we to judge?


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