Philadelphia Fusion get revenge on Spitfire in OWL opener

By Olivia Richman


Feb 15, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

The Philadelphia Fusion got revenge in the opening game of Overwatch League Season 2.

The Fusion beat the London Spitfire, the team that defeated them in the first season’s grand finals. The 3-1 finish was an explosive start to the Overwatch League’s second season, proving that Fusion are the team to beat.

“I previously said this would be an easy 4-0,” said Jae-hyeok “Carpe” Lee after the victory. “I’m sad it didn’t come true. But overall, I’m happy we got the win.”

The confident DPS main was crowned Player of the Match after dealing over 48,000 hero damage with game-changing plays on Zarya.

This was an emotional outcome for Fusion fans who saw their team get all but dominated in last year’s grand finals. It only took two sets to knock out Fusion that fateful weekend.

Fusion got off to a quick start in the series, in part through expert use of a dive composition that London at times seemed unable to deal with.

Things started to look up for London on the third map, when they used a well-timed Sombra EMP to take the second point on Volskaya Industries. Without any shields, Fusion couldn’t hold their defensive position, eventually leading to a 5-4 score that kept London in the game.

Picks like Sombra kept Fusion on their feet, and it was clear that Spitfire’s flexible roster was keeping them in the match as support mains like Choi “bdosin” Seung-tae racking up kills with Tracer.

Unfortunately for Spitfire, the fourth payload map ended their hopes of a comeback. On Rialto, Fusion’s defense held firm throughout the game. Spitfire didn’t even turn the first corner, only moving the payload 43.5 meters. When the teams switched, Fusion quickly made it to the 43.5 meter mark, and after a quick fight over the payload, Fusion took the map and the series.

The win left Carpe feeling confident about their Sunday match versus newcomers Atlanta Reign.

“I feel that match will be way easier,” Carpe said.