Perkz has stream interrupted by strong earthquake in Croatia

By Olivia Richman


Dec 29, 2020

Reading time: 1 min

League of Legends veteran Luka “Perkz” Perković was streaming earlier today when he experienced a surprise earthquake. During the stream, viewers could suddenly see Perkz shaking. At first, it didn’t seem too serious for the mid lane star. But soon, his headphones weren’t even able to stay on his head. As the shaking intensified, the camera rocked uncontrollably to the point that Perkz had to whip off his headphones and stop the stream. 

Perkz quickly gets up from his chair and rushes to another room, seeming to call out to his family to make sure they’re safe. 

A strong earthquake struck central Croatia earlier today, occurring just 17 miles from Zagreb, the country’s capital. It reached a magnitude of 6.3, making it among the strongest to hit Croatia in decades. 

Cloud9’s Perkz confirmed safe after historic earthquake

Cloud9’s Mateus tweeted back that Perkz should “stay safe.” He asked him if there was any damage around him after the shockingly strong quake. 

“All good. But could be super ugly in the epicenter,” Perk replied. 

One League of Legends responded to Perkz, “Wait until LA.” 

Southern California is said to have about 10,000 earthquakes every year. While many of them are so small that they remain undetected by the state’s citezenry, several hundred measure 3.0 or higher, while 15 to 20 reach beyond 4.0 each year. Perkz is likely to experience this for himself at some point as the veteran was signed to Cloud9 at the end of 2020. 

Perkz joining the LCS is one of the biggest roster moves of the 2021 season. The former G2 superstar might be getting paid over $2.7 million a year to play in North America with Cloud9. This could make him the highest-paid player in the LCS. 
