New Overwatch 2 maps, missions, and more shown at BlizzConline

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Overwatch 2 was the game on many fans’ minds when the BlizzConline opening ceremony started, but fans were surprised when the upcoming game didn’t even get a mention.

What fans did get was a closer look at the development of Overwatch 2 and what Blizzard worked on in 2020. Earlier this year, it was revealed that Overwatch 2’s release was pushed beyond 2021, but fans were given an inside look at just how huge the sequel will be.

Overwatch 2 reveals new maps based on Rome, New York City

New PVP maps Rome and New York City were among the reveals, with the Rome map imagined as a romantic scene where ancient architecture was resurrected in the Overwatch 2 style. Torbjörn gets his own map in PvE with Gothenberg, where players can see his Workshop. India and Toronto were two other maps that were mentioned as coming to PvE in the sequel. Each mission will take place on a different map, suggesting that there will be a huge number of locales for what is being labelled as a “globe-trotting adventure.” 

Overwatch 2’s cinematics are showing more characters together at the same time, which makes the dialogue dynamic. If players pick different characters, the dialogue will be different depending on which characters are seen on the map together.

NPCs will make an appearance, as well as environmental effects on maps. There will also be event-based changes to established maps, such as doors opening to give players access to previously restricted sections. 

Hero looks are improved in Overwatch 2

A big portion of the Overwatch 2 sneak peak concentrated on several characters getting a visual overhaul. McCree, Pharah, Reaper, and Widowmaker all have new designs. Developers stated that they wanted to keep the spirit of the characters loyal to the original, but give them a fresh look that resembles the improvements added to the game. 

Developers showed off several changes to each character, including McCree’s hat, Widowmaker’s braid, and Pharah’s color scheme. This follows previously shown touch-ups from the original Overwatch 2 reveal trailer which included Reinhardt ditching his helmet, Genji rocking a hoodie, and Mei getting a whole new outfit.

New enemies have also been shown to fans, and one in particular got a lot of attention. This new enemy called “the Puller” has garnered a ton of attention on social media. The reveal was met with a lot of acclaim for the new enemy, and although many fawned over the new looks for the heroes, nothing quite compared to the reaction to the Puller. The Puller is an omnic that floats and has two long braids that each resemble a scorpion’s tail. She has three eyes that float above her head and can be flung at the player. As her name suggests, she can pull players in and deal major damage once they’re in range. 

Talent Trees are coming to Overwatch 2

In 2019, fans were made aware that heroes were going to be upgradable and today, developers showed more of what that means. The talent trees are a way for players to advance each character through the game and unlock new abilities. There are different routes that players can take in each tree, and it means that there will be a multitude of ways to play a character, similar to the upgrade options seen in the single-player mode to StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm.

In addition to talent trees, tanks are being overhauled in Overwatch 2. Developers released a bunch of changes related to Reinheart, including the ability to cancel his charge, better control the direction of his charge, and to use his Firestrike twice instead of once. The developers said that they wanted tanks to take on a brawler style, instead of characters that hang back and hold up a shield. 

Other changes that are coming to Overwatch 2 include new sounds, animations, and visual effects. There will also be big changes to mission object such as the addition of scavenger hunt and the elimination of the Assault mode. Fans also got a better look at Sojourn, who operates a rail gun and can kill enemies very quickly if players have good accuracy. 

There is still no release date for Overwatch 2, but after seeing how big the sequel is, fans are more accepting of the longer wait.