Misfits tops the LEC standings after missing spring playoffs

By Christian Vejvad


Jun 27, 2021

Reading time: 3 min

Three weeks have gone by in the 2021 LEC Summer Split and the standings are not entirely what most fans would have expected. 

After the first seven games of the split, it’s surprisingly Misfits Gaming who are in sole possession of first place with an impressive 6-1 record. Behind Misfits are the rest of the favorites, but with the defending champion MAD Lions and old kings G2 Esports at much worse records than were predicted. This leaves the LEC in one of the most interesting spots in years, with several contenders for the summer trophy and spots at the 2021 World Championship. 

Misfits in charge of LEC, G2 Esports slacking behind

With Misfits’ performance so far in the summer split, it’s clear that the team is finally starting to come together. The most significant improvement has been in the mid lane, where Vincent “Vetheo” Berrié is starting to show why he was picked up as one of the biggest talents in the European Regional Leagues. The French mid laner is sitting on the best KDA in the league, with teammate Kasper “Kobbe” Kobberup right behind him. This shows how the two main carries of the team are reliable when it comes to securing kills without dying too much themselves. 

Vetheo is currently the player to die the least in the summer split. Over the course of the first seven games, Vetheo has only died six times in total. Three of these deaths were against Rogue in the team’s only loss so far. Besides that, Vetheo has gone deathless in three games against prominent names. 

As Vetheo is ramping up to becoming one of the best mid laners in Europe, he is helped along very well by the two veteran voices of bot laner Kobbe and support Oskar “Vander” Bogdan. This bot lane has been in the game for years and currently seem like the perfect players to help new talent grow. Vander especially is known for being a great shot caller, which often makes life easier for a player like Vetheo. 

The other young player on the squad is jungler Iván “Razork” Díaz, who is the only player left from the 2020 Misfits roster. Razork continues to develop as a jungler and is currently fielding the highest first-blood percentage in the league. In 71% of the games, Razork has helped secure the first kill in the game. This shows the Spanish jungler’s early-game aggression and the reason why Misfits often come off to a good start and is able to snowball a lead in the games they win.  

If Misfits can keep up these stats on an individual and team level, then teams like MAD Lions, G2, and Rogue might be looking at a new serious threat to the trophy. 

Misfits will play its next game on Friday, July 2 against the defending LEC champion MAD Lions. 

Who plays for Misfits Gaming in the 2021 LEC Summer Split?

Misfits revamped its roster for the 2021 season after a disappointing showing in 2020 and the recent spring split. By betting on young talent, Misfits is now finally starting to harvest the fruits of its labor and looking like a true contender to the LEC title. 

The Misfits LEC roster is: 

  • Top – Shin “HiRit” Tae-min / Tobiasz “Agresivoo” Ciba
  • Jungle – Iván “Razork” Díaz
  • Mid – Vincent “Vetheo” Berrié
  • Bot – Kasper “Kobbe” Kobberup
  • Support – Oskar “Vander” Bogdan