Liquid remain unbeaten after fending off FlyQuest challenge

By Melany Moncada


Feb 11, 2019

Reading time: 1 min

Team Liquid found another to continue undefeated in the 2019 LCS Spring Split.

The defending champions finished week three with six victories to zero losses, putting the side two points ahead of the second place Cloud9.

On Saturday, Team Liquid faced FlyQuest, one of the strongest teams in the season so far. The game started with aggressive early trades, as FlyQuest showed a desire to engage and collected first blood four minutes into the game.

Team Liquid’s bottom duo was able to stabilize the lane, and support Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in took the opportunity to roam to the mid lane. CoreJJ and jungler Jake “Xmithie” Puchero established sufficient vision control to helped Team Liquid survive the early aggression from FlyQuest.

Despite being down in kills and objectives, Team Liquid grew a gold advantage through superior laning. Still, the defending champions remained cautious during the mid-game.

Team Liquid showed itself as superior in team fights, but FlyQuest wouldn’t be pushed around. Every time the two sides found each other in the jungle, kills exchanged were generally kept even.

At 30 minutes, players began reaching hard power spikes and every fight felt like it could be the last. Team Liquid was ahead in gold by 4K and ready to make a move.

In the mid lane, Liquid executed a pincer attack as CoreJJ engaged from one side and Xmithie from the other. Caught in the middle of the enemy team, FlyQuest tried to escape but was aced, allowing Liquid to secure the baron.

The buff was enough for Team Liquid to break the enemy base and claim another victory this split.

Team Liquid then won against OpTic Gaming on Sunday to remain undefeated.


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