Immortals spoils Broxah’s first game with Team Liquid in the LCS

By Marta Juras


Feb 15, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

The fourth week of the 2020 LCS Spring Split opened with a match between Team Liquid and Immortals. Both teams shared a 4-2 score ahead of the game, but it’s Immortals that secured a second slot on the current standings, and Liquid that fell to ninth.

This was a big match for Liquid as it was the first time the team performed with Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen, its new starting jungler who was delayed due to a visa problem. He started his LCS journey fighting against Liquid’s old jungler and the only replaced member of the team, Jake “Xmithie” Puchero.

Broxah gives first blood to Immortals in his first 2020 LCS game

Both teams picked drafts with powerful front lines and strong engage potential. Liquid secured Ornn and Lee Sin while also picking Kalista for Yiliang “Doubelift” Peng. Immortals responded with a Nautilus pick and Xmithie on Sejuani.

Thanks to the defensive ward on Immortal’s blue buff, the team took first blood on Broxah, who overstepped in the red jungle in less than three minutes. Liquid gave up on Rift Herald for the first Dragon, however the plates of the top lane tower gave Immortals an early 1,000 gold advantage.

Xmithie kept punishing Liquid with a focus towards objectives, using the advantage to help laners maintain pressure. TL tried to regain some of the resources with Ryze split pushing bot, but Immortals was evidently stronger. IMT was taking objectives, turrets, and kills with ease.

Immortals goes 5-2 with win against Team Liquid

Facing Immortals with a Baron buff, TL couldn’t find an opening to defend its base. The team decided to leave Ryze split pushing top, but Paul “sOAZ” Boyer was there to answer, and the pressure across all lanes ended on IMT’s side. The red-side team was leading in 5,000 gold, and snowballing into the late game.

Liquid was lacking both in damage and communication. Players weren’t timing their ultimates, and their moves were out of sync, which Immortals kept punishing. Even when the team managed to turn the fight in its favor, the pressure for IMT was already too strong to utilize it.

In 33 minutes, Immortals took the victory over Liquid with a better strategy, outplays, and stronger communication. Liquid paid the price for putting Broxah on the scene so soon after his arrival to the United States. Broxah had no time to put in practice with his new team, while Immortals has just been improving over the past four weeks.

Liquid when the team is facing off Counter Logic Gaming.

Immortals 2020 LCS roster:

  • Paul “sOAZ” Boyer
  • Jake “Xmithie” Puchero
  • Jérémy “Eika” Valdenaire
  • Johnny “Altec” Ru
  • Nickolas “Hakuho” Surgent