How to gamble responsibly online

By William Davis


Aug 13, 2021

Reading time: 3 min

Gambling online can be enticing and fun, with everything from brick-and-mortar casinos being available online. 


Gambling, whether online or land-based, is a form of paid entertainment with the possibility of a huge payoff through winning bets. Managing your playing habits is essential when you gamble online. While online gambling is more convenient, the privacy it offers can give you a false sense of security when it comes to dropping money. 


When your gambling activities are mostly unsupervised, you only have yourself to depend on when it comes to playing responsibly. Read on to learn how to gamble responsibly online while still having a worthwhile experience.

Play games you’re comfortable with

Aside from being familiar with a game, you also have to be comfortable playing it. Online gambling games are convenient, with online slots and sports betting among the easiest games to get started with. 

People share a universal love for sports, with soccer being a well-loved sport everywhere from Brazil to Africa to Singapore. If you are among the millions of Indonesian soccer fans, it would not be surprising if some of your fellow fans would bet on this sport on judi online sites. They are not only familiar with the sport but are also comfortable betting on it. These sites offer action but still promote responsible gambling to Indonesians and other local players.

Set deposit limits

Gambling involves money, and it can be tempting to deposit large sums of money to play. Whether you are a novice or an experienced online gambler, setting deposit limits can benefit you in more ways than one. 

For one, it establishes your bankroll. You also avoid the temptation of developing an “all-in” gambling style, which is financially unsound. This will help you develop a more efficient playing style with a limited gambling budget available.

Set session time limits

Playing gambling games anytime and anywhere you want is one of the most attractive perks of online gambling. However, this sense of freedom needs to come with responsibility and control. 

This means that players have the ability to gamble endlessly, but obviously they shouldn’t. Gamers ought to allocate set amounts of time in order to play, and not hop on otherwise. Many betting sites offer tools to do exactly this, limiting the amount of time players can spend on casino games or looking over sportsbooks. 

Remember that there is much more to life than gambling. Betting should not be a hindrance to other, more important relationships and activities.

Avoid chasing losses

Do not be tempted to try recovering your losses by placing bigger bets while hoping to win. Many new gamblers often fall into this trap by thinking they can turn their losing streaks around when they win with a bigger bet on the next round. Losing money is normal when you gamble but losing too much in an attempt to recover your losses is a problematic gambling style.

Gambling online can be entertaining and rewarding, if properly managed. Moderation is essential in most of our activities, including gambling and other vices. 

Knowing what games you like, how much you can afford to lose, and when to stop are all important for managing a gambling hobby. Being responsible and watchful of your online gambling decisions is important for avoiding any kind of problematic addiction. 


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