G2 jungler Jankos admits that he’s not far from retirement

By Marta Juras


Feb 18, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski shared he might be retiring sooner than many expected.

G2 Esports’ player and the best jungler in the 2020 LEC Spring Split doesn’t plan on playing competitively for much longer. In an interview with a Polish portal Esportmania, Jankos shared he’s looking to end his career relatively soon when asked about streaming.

Jankos wants to stream after he retires from LoL

Jankos said he doesn’t get much rest as a pro player, stating there’s no time for anything other than training if you want to consistently win. This has to be tiring for the European star, however, based on the translations from Reddit user u/Halt99, his career ending soon doesn’t necessarily mean this is his last season as a pro player.

“It is not too far from the end of my career, and after it ends, I’d like to be a streamer,” Jankos said. “For now, however, I’d like to stay with G2, but once the season ends, we will see. Maybe I’ll end my career if we don’t succeed and the organization will decide to make some changes.”

Thus, Jankos implied he’s not looking to stop playing that soon. What he did emphasize is his growing love towards streaming, and that he plans to possibly work as a full-time streamer once he retires. When asked about playing in different regions before that time comes, Jankos shared moving to play in the LCS is a possibility towards the end of his career.

For now, however, he plans on staying with G2. Though this job may be tiring, Jankos’ performance is too good to let go at the moment. And one thing he’s not tired of is taking the wins. This isn’t surprising as his team has been the regional champion for the past season, and has consistently been one of the top two European teams for years.

G2 already took six wins and is standing in the first place of the 2020 LEC Spring Split.