G2 get back on track with quick triumph over Schalke

By Melany Moncada


Feb 23, 2019

Reading time: 1 min

G2 Esports kicked off the sixth week of the LEC Spring Split with a dominant victory over Schalke 04.

After a small setback in taking their season’s first loss against Origen last week, G2 continues to rule the LEC. Schalke could not contain Rasmus “Caps” Winther and the rest of the G2 squad, as G2 was able to claim the victory after just 23 minutes.

In the laning phase, Schalke largely contained G2 and capitalized on small mistakes being made. Quick reactions from Schalke kept G2 jungler Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski from snowballing early on Elise.

G2 recognized the problem and focused on getting Caps ahead in the mid lane, which meant going for Schalke’s rookie mid laner Felix “Abbedagge” Braun. Schalke tried to protect the Abbedagge in response through roams and willingly jumping into team fights.

Once the laning phase was over, the game quickly became chaotic. Schalke was able to find some picks, but the fights increasingly went in G2’s favor as the game developed.

Caps showed his mechanic skills on Leblanc with aggressive plays. G2’s victories around the map put a decent amount of gold in the team’s collective pocket, and the squad reached significant item spikes before 20 minutes.

Sensing that they were falling behind and already finding their base under siege as G2 snowballed, Schalke chose to dive hard into G2’s attack. After securing an inhibitor turret, G2 absorbed the blow and hit back to kill three Schalke members and push for the win.

G2 continues as the leader in the LEC standings with 10 wins to just one loss, placing the side three games ahead of the second-place Team Vitality. Schalke now sits in third.

G2 will next square off with Excel Esports.


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