G2 Esports looks ready for LPL teams at Worlds 2020 with 2-0 start

By Melany Moncada


Oct 5, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

G2 Esports continues to be undefeated in the 2020 League of Legends World Championship and already has its eyes on the next stage of the tournament.

The LEC’s finest took down Machi Esports and secured its second victory at Worlds. 

The European squad remains undefeated and is already thinking about the knock-out stage. Despite a couple of missteps in the LEC, G2 is showing up when it matters most and has now had two statement performances against Machi and Suning.

The last remaining opponent in the group is Team Liquid, a squad that is looking worse by the minute. Of course, defeating a North American team means little in the grand scheme of things. The real opponent for G2 are the teams from the LPL and DAMWON Gaming, the strongest team in the tournament so far. 

This year, G2 is looking better suited to face the eastern squads but it won’t be an easy ride as the group stage.

Skirmishes are the name of the game at Worlds 2020

The current state of the meta favors teams that can fight and G2 thrives in those situations. In the match against Machi, G2 made great use of global ultimates to place itself in the right place at the right time. 

A one-on-one play, suddenly became a one-on-three, because G2 had the ability to move around the map faster than their opponent. The team also drafted different profiles of damage, making it difficult for the opponent to itemize effectively.

In this match in particular, G2 slowed down and dictated the pace of the game. It was a surprising change from a team that is used to playing fast and chaotic games. Being able to play both styles will be the key for G2’s success as the team advances in the tournament. Flexibility in style has proven to be the most important trait for teams at Worlds 2020.

If one is to make early predictions, JDG Gaming and LGD Gaming are best positioned to finish second in their groups. If G2 was to finish as first seed, it might face one of the two. It would be the first real test for the team at Worlds.