FlyQuest’s PowerOfEvil becoming free agent for 2021 LCS season

Reading time: 2 min

FlyQuest mid laner Tristan “PowerOfEvil” Schrage will be a free agent this offseason, according to ESPN’s Jacob Wolf. 

The German mid laner has reportedly declined his player option and will therefore be a free agent when the player free agency window begins on November 16. There is still a chance that PowerOfEvil will return to FlyQuest but it will require a new deal with the organization. 

PowerOfEvil will likely be one of the most coveted LCS free agents this offseason after playing well throughout the 2020 season. He was a key part of FlyQuest’s highly successful 2020 season, where the team finished second in both splits. Those performances earned the team a ticket to the 2020 World Championship, a first for the organization.

Together with jungler Lucas “Santorin” Larsen, PowerOfEvil has been a part of one the LCS’s scariest mid-jungle duos. The two experienced players were the core of FlyQuest’s 2020 success and PowerOfEvil will likely be a coveted free agent as a result. Santorin recently announced that he will also enter the offseason as a free agent, which means that the dynamic duo will likely be split in 2021. 

Who could pick up PowerOfEvil for the 2021 LCS season?

As PowerOfEvil goes looking for new possible options in 2021, several LCS teams could be interested in picking him up. 

The biggest team in need of a new mid laner is Team SoloMid, who recently announced that Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg will be retiring as a player and will instead serve as the head coach in 2021. That’s a huge void on the roster and TSM could use a consistent and experienced player like PowerOfEvil. 

Other teams in the LCS are also likely to rebuild in the offseason. Immortals has begun its rebuilding phase by signing former Origen head coach André “Guilhoto” Guilhoto and will also likely be looking for a new mid laner. 

There seem to be several options for PowerOfEvil if he chooses to leave FlyQuest. Fans will likely learn more about his future team after November 16.