Evil Geniuses rookie bot laner Danny leads the LCS in kills

By Christian Vejvad


Jul 19, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

Evil Geniuses newest addition Kyle “Danny” Sakamaki is currently the kill leader in the 2021 LCS Summer Split. 

In his rookie split, the young bot laner is showing off exactly why he was promoted directly from the EG Prodigies squad after the spring split. The 17-year-old might be one of the youngest players in the entire league but he is also currently the one to make the most kills. With a total of 92 kills across the first 21 games, Danny is now leading the league with four kills down to Team Liquid’s Edward “Tactical” Ra after finishing the seventh week with a one-sided win against Dignitas.  

In the most recent win against Dignitas, Danny showcased exactly why people should consider him as a viable carry this early on. With seven kills on Kai’Sa, Danny and the rest of Evil Geniuses put Dignitas to rest after just 24 minutes to secure a shared third-place spot alongside Cloud9. 

This performance is only one of many great ones for Danny so far in the LCS. Despite his young age, the bot laner has been the replacement Evil Geniuses needed to climb all the way to the top of the standings. Evil Geniuses has one of the best records this split, with 14 wins to seven losses. Only 100 Thieves has performed better so far. 

In a meta that really allows bot laners to get a bunch of kills, Danny has been put under quite a bit of pressure despite being one of the newest players in the league. Even though Evil Geniuses has a lot of potential carries on the team, Danny hasn’t been shy about doing some heavy lifting by himself. So far, Danny has performed on all the meta marksmen he needs to, with the absolute best performances on Tristana and Kai’Sa. 

Danny actually started out the split fairly shaky with four three losses in a row but even then he averaged over four kills per game. Since then, Danny and Evil Geniuses as a whole have only improved and are now looking like a contender for the trophy. Evil Geniuses had a winning streak of eight games going into this week, which was disrupted by Golden Guardians. Luckily, Evil Geniuses is now back on track with two wins to close out the week. 

Danny will be looking to keep up his high kill average on Friday, July 23, when he takes on Lawrence “Lost” Hui and TSM.