Elden Ring 1.06 update nerfs Bloodhound Step, buffs greatsword

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Multiplayer enjoyers have plenty to dig through in Elden Ring update 1.06, including a long-awaited nerf to Bloodhound Step.

Elden Ring has already received a fair share of post-launch updates, but FromSoftware isn’t yet done polishing the Lands Between. 1.06 changes several weapon classes, including even more buffs for greatswords. Lightweight rolling has also been significantly improved, and the dreaded Bloodhound Step weapon art is now significantly less useful. The patch also includes dozens of bug fixes affecting everything from movement to Wondrous Physicks.

The biggest changes in Elden Ring 1.06 are the updates to multiplayer. Now players can put down multiple white summoning signs across multiple locations. They can then be summoned to help with boss battles even if they’re halfway across the map. 

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Impatient invaders will also be happy to know that the range for invading groups has been extended. This could mean that popping a Severed Finger may take you to an adjacent zone or a nearby dungeon. Newer Elden Ring players looking to join the PvP fun can also now progress through White-Faced Varre’s quest without first invading several players.

Elden Ring update 1.06 finally nerfs Bloodhound Step

Of all the changes in Elden Ring update 1.06, the nerf to Bloodhound Step is the most important for avid PvPers. The weapon art was difficult to beat without simply waiting it out, but it now has a unique nerf. Consecutive uses of Bloodhound Step will get less distance and invincibility. On the flipside, it now travels even farther for lightweight users of the weapon art.

Another massive change is an adjustment to lightweight rolling, which has been criticized as being too similar to the medium roll. Now lightly-armored players move significantly farther and faster than before.

Finally, greatsword, curved greatsword, and great hammer weapons have been heavily buffed across the board. Strength users can now roll faster after making attacks, which can help to defeat bosses with small damage windows. Guard counters with the weapons will also become active more quickly.