Clips suggest Dr Disrespect received Twitch ban live on air

By Steven Rondina


Jun 27, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

Mystery still swirls around the abrupt banishment of Dr Disrespect from Twitch, but some details might be found in the streamer’s final broadcast on the platform.

A clip of the final eight minutes of Dr Disrespect’s last broadcast has emerged on YouTube and it has many speculating that it shows the exact moment where he discovered he had been issued a permanent ban from Twitch. The video can be found here:

The first several minutes are normal stuff from Dr Disrespect, where he discusses video games and shouts out donors on his stream while talking about how great his “Champion’s Club” subscribers are. At 4:47, Dr Disrespect begins to pull up a video on his stream of other streamers playing a hide and seek game.

After the six-minute mark, Dr Disrespect can be seen doing other things at his computer. During this time his body language changes and he becomes progressively more somber, covering his mouth and staying silent for minutes on end. The silence is eventually broken by his sign-off.

“I appreciate everyone watching today. We’ll get through this, Champion’s Club. Life’s weird right now. We’ll get through this ok, and uh…Fuck,” he said.

Is Dr Disrespect really permanently banned from Twitch?

On June 26, the streaming world was left stunned when Dr Disrespect was suddenly banned from Twitch. This was followed by reports from individuals including Rod “Slasher” Breslau that the ban issued to Dr Disrespect is a permanent one. There is no clear explanation regarding why Dr Disrespect is banned, with the only hint being Slasher stating that his ban was not related to a DMCA claim.

Dr Disrespect’s Twitch channel is currently disabled, as is standard with Twitch bans. Twitch issued a statement saying it will “take appropriate action when we have evidence that a streamer has acted in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. These apply to all streamers regardless of status or prominence in the community.” Dr Disrespect has not issued a statement since being banned.

Dr Disrespect was previously banned from Twitch in 2019. During a live blog at E3 2019, Dr Disrespect and his camera crew continued to broadcast as he entered a public restroom. This caught a number of event goers on camera using the bathroom, something that led to a two-week ban from Twitch as well as his removal from E3.

Odds are that this current ban is unrelated to this prior incident.

Fans of Dr Disrespect likely shouldn’t expect him to return anytime soon. Twitch has removed his emoticons from the platform and begun issuing refunds to subscribers, likely a sign that he is gone from Twitch for good.