Can 100 Thieves make the former Golden Guardians roster work?

By Melany Moncada


Nov 21, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

100 Thieves’ roster for the 2021 season is looking oddly familiar.

The organization confirmed the signing of mid laner Tanner “Damonte” Damonte and support Choi “huhi” Jae-hyun, for a total of four former Golden Guardians players. In the 2019 offseason, many believed that Golden Guardians wouldn’t achieve much with its roster. The team qualified for playoffs in both splits and had an overall solid performance. Now, 100 Thieves has acquired the roster in hopes of getting even better results.

Can 100 Thieves win in the 2021 LCS?

Now that all papers are signed and 100 Thieves got the players it wanted, it’s a question of whether or the organization can keep this roster in form.

100 Thieves smartly worked around the only major deficit GGS had, which was in the top lane. The team left Kevin “Hauntzer” Yarnell out and is starting Kim “Ssumday” Chan-ho, who has become the favorite player of 100 Thieves.

Hauntzer is not a weak player, but more often than not, the defeats for 100 Thieves started on the top side. Every time Golden Guardians played Team SoloMid, Hauntzer’s former team would focus him and snowball through that lane. With Ssumday in the line up, 100 Thieves won’t have the same weaknesses.

The addition of jungler Can “Closer” Çelik is exactly what Ssumday needed. For the longest time, 100 Thieves used passive junglers who couldn’t really enable Ssumday. The team wanted him to carry, but Ssumday didn’t get the help he needed to do so. With Closer, it’s a match made in heaven.

100 Thieves shouldn’t get too crazy or experimental. Considering that the team has a prebuilt synergy, it should focus on integrating Ssumday into the roster and making everyone comfortable. Having Damonte and bot laner Victor “FBI” Huang relieves some of the pressure on Ssumday, as now every laner has carry potential, as well as the jungler.

Things are looking up for 100 Thieves. Fans will hope that everything will go according to plan and that the organization won’t need to go for any mid-split roster swaps durin the 2021 LCS season.


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