Altec announces free agency after Echo Fox, willing to leave LCS

By Marta Juras


Nov 18, 2019

Reading time: 1 min

With Echo Fox disbanded, the team’s former League of Legends bot laner Johnny “Altec” Ru has announced his free agency.

The North American player shared on Twitter that he’s looking for a new team and is open to competing in all regions, noting his success in both Korean and North American solo queue ladders. Altec is one of the 10 highest-ranked players on League’s NA server.

Many other pro players, especially from the LCS, immediately offered Altec support, praising him as a strong addition to any team. They also retweeted his announcement so more organizations would be aware of his free agency.

Altec is a veteran player in the League scene and many believe he should continue playing with a solid organization. Not only due to his competitive history, but also the hard work he puts into the team he plays with. His fans feel like Echo Fox wasn’t a place where he could truly shine.

He started competing in League in 2012 when he joined Team Wish. For the next few years, he was fighting his way through the challenger series.

He enjoyed solid results with both FlyQuest and Dignitas in 2017 when he finished 5th place in both LCS splits. He fell on hard times from there, in part due to the disbanding of Dignitas at the end of the 2017 season due to Riot’s refusal to grant the organization a franchise in the LCS.

He then joined Echo Fox and suffered similar misfortune. Even though the team finished fourth in the NA LCS 2018 Summer Split, Echo Fox closed this season due to a number of internal conflicts within the organization that resulted in Riot Games selling their LCS slot. This once again left Altec without a team.

Altec has been playing in the NA scene, but could potentially land anywhere with the roster shuffle set to explode later this week.