Former Worlds champ Crown retires after Bjergsen, Doublelift
Another big name retires before the 2021 season.
Doublelift retires with 2000 kills and more crazy stats
The stats of a true legend.
Doublelift announces his retirement from pro League of Legends
TSM just lost another star.
Doublelift contemplates leaving TSM, retirement in 2021
The SwordArt deal must happen.
Doublelift talks about TSM’s 0-6 performance at Worlds 2020
Some insight into the TSM journey.
TSM’s Doublelift reveals he considered retiring alongside Bjergsen
TSM will not be the same.
Doublelift roasted by LPL teams ahead of 2020 World Championship
The LPL teams did not hold back.
Doublelift speaks out on rivalry with Team Liquid ADC Tactical
Doublelift speaks highly of his successor.
How the Doublelift roster swap improved both Liquid and TSM
Doublelift has had a big impact on both teams.
Doublelift says LCS playoff double elimination saved his career
Doublelift is not satisfied with his performance.