What are YR1 stats in Valorant? Here’s how to find them

By Fariha Bhatti


Jul 10, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

Riot Games is sending out emails containing yearly statistics to Valorant players after celebrating its first anniversary in June. 

The publisher recently rolled out dozens of Year 1 events and a new cinematic to celebrate the first birthday of its tactical shooter. Players are finally getting their rewards in the form of detailed stats about their in-game performance, play style, and more. 

While some of these stats include casual information like the names of frequent victims, other data could help you learn more about one’s play style. Using this intel, players can polish their skills with weapons that work best for them, statistically. 

What is Valorant “YR1 Stats”? 

The “YR1 stats” is short of “year one statistics,” which is data that includes player performance, kills, most-played map, enemies, and more throughout their first year playing Valorant. 

As part of its first anniversary, the developer is sending out a thorough mail containing graphics and stats to all players. The message includes all crucial details that may help players work on their weaker areas and find out their preferred agents and weapons. 

Here’s everything YR1 stats include: 

  • Total number of matches won
  • Average kill/death/assist ratio
  • Total amount of damage points dealt
  • Shooting accuracy
  • The number of headshots, body shots, and leg shots connected.
  • Frequent victims in-game name
  • Most played agent
  • Most played map
  • Most used weapon

How to check YR1 stats?

It’s pretty simple to find one’s YR1 stats. The developer has sent the email to each player, so the YR1 stats are already waiting in the mailbox attached to the player’s account. 

  • Go to your email address tied to your Valorant account
  • Search for “in-game name – Your VALORANT Year in Review is Ready.” 
  • Click on the email
  • Here you’ll find all your stats for year one. 

It’s still unknown whether this will be a yearly treat or if it was just reserved for year one celebrations. Currently, accurate information on players’ performance isn’t available on any third-party website. Players could really benefit from annual stats as they’re correct and provide deeper insight into individual Valorant game-play. 

When is Sentinels of Light skin bundle releasing?

Riot Games recently rolled out Ruination skins to continue the narrative of The Ruined King in Valorant. But, this is not. Another League of Legends bundle dubbed “Sentinels of Light” will be released on July 21. This collection will include skins for the Vandal, Operator, Sheriff, Ares, and a Relic of the Sentinel custom melee.