Suning vs DAMWON Gaming 2020 World Championship betting analysis

By Melany Moncada


Oct 30, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

DAMWON Gaming and Suning are meeting in finals of the 2020 World Championship. It will be an epic battle between the giants in the east as the LCK tries to regain to its former glory.

DAMWON is the first LCK team to reach the finals at Worlds since 2017. DAMWON is not your regular LCK team, as the team is not afraid of going for unorthodox picks and is one of the teams at Worlds with a better grasp on the meta. DAMWON managed to adapt, switching its playstyle to one that revolves around jungler Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu.

Canyon is the king in the DAMWON jungle

Canyon has proved to be more than capable of handling any pressure. He’s a confident jungler that knows how to create advantages and snowball. The rest of the team plays around him and provides support so he can carry with such picks as Graves, Hecarim, and Kindred.

The Kindred pick has been tricky to execute at Worlds, and DAMWON is one of the few teams that has managed to do it flawlessly. Kindred’s strength comes from the marks that spawn across the map. If one of the marks spawns on the enemy side of the map, Kindred will need help from its teammates to secure it safely. Most teams have failed to offer that support, but not DAMWON. The squad understands how to move around the map, taking calculated risks and supporting each member of the team as required.

Is it time to hear Suning roar at 2020 Worlds?

Suning has grown throughout its 2020 Worlds run. The team went from underdog to the dark horse in the event. Every series in the knockout stage was supposed to be the last one for Suning. This young squad wasn’t supposed to defeat JD Gaming, let alone the LPL champion TOP Esports. At every stage of the tournament, Suning showed its resilience and managed to take victories in a convincing fashion.

Suning is, once again, expected to lose, this time against DAMWON. And this time, the young team might actually come up short. DAMWON is not like any of its previous opponents. DAMWON has an outstanding ability to adapt to its opposition and is known for punishing mistakes hard. G2 Esports experienced this during its 19-minute defeat in the semifinals.

DAMWON Gaming is the favorite to win 2020 World Championship

On, DAMWON is the favorite to take it all with 1.40 to Suning’s 2.70, and other bookmakers agree with this number. The win condition for DAMWON is clear: Get the jungle rolling early and turn that advantage into lane dominance.

But if there’s one team that goes against the odds, it’s proven to be Suning. In order to be competitive in this series, Suning needs to neutralize Canyon early on and keep him from snowballing into the later stages of the game. All of this while also staying even in the lanes and fighting for neutral objectives.

Suning and DAMWON Gaming play on October 31 at 5 AM, CST.