Rainbow Six Siege rank changes make Diamond rank easier to hit
Rainbow Six Siege ranked grinders got a special boost for Ubisoft for the last 2021 ranked season. In the current Rainbow Six Siege ranked season it is now much easier to rank up from platinum to diamond.
Getting stuck in platinum matchmaking has been a common complaint for Rainbow Six Siege players, with many players swearing that there was an intentional trench they were jammed up in. After recognizing the problem in a blog post, Ubisoft has lowered the gap between platinum and diamond divisions. This change will most likely continue into the 2022 ranked Siege seasons.
In previous seasons, players needed to accumulate 4,300 MMR points to earn diamond. Now that floor has been lowered to 4,100 MMR. A 200 MMR difference may not seem like much, but it makes a massive difference in practice. Almost the entirety of diamond three would be ranked platinum under the old rankings. Each Siege ranked season ends with player rewards for high ranks, so the new diamond players likely appreciate this change. It’ll make grinding for rank and for free Siege operators both much easier.
In Rainbow Six Siege ranks, players have two measures of their skill. The first is matchmaking rank, which is a flat number that goes up or down as you win or lose. The second is the medal, which only changes once your MMR passes certain thresholds. The matchmaking ranks for each medal are visible in the skill section of the ranked info tab. That info also includes the rank distribution and average rank for Rainbow Six Siege.
What’s the average rank in Rainbow Six Siege?
The most common rank in Rainbow Six Siege is silver 1. The in-game client does not show exact player counts, but the vast majority of the player base hovers around silver and gold. Platinum matchmaking represents the second half of the bell curve where it becomes more difficult to rank up. Anyone in gold can confidently say that they are an above-average Rainbow Six Siege player, but there’s a lot more to climb still left from there.
The top rank in Rainbow Six Siege is champion, a unique matchmaking pool that only consists of the top-rated 9,999 players. Unlike the other Siege rank medals, champion is not determined solely by MMR. Even if a player is well beyond the diamond cap of 5,000 MMR, they must enter the top 9,999 before they can earn champion status.