Only 1 LoL player had perfect 2019 Worlds Pick’Ems

By Marta Juras


Nov 13, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Each year, League of Legends players look to prove their knowledge and try their luck with the Worlds Pick’Em. This year, only one person was perfect throughout the event.

Not many League fans expected China’s FunPlus Phoenix to take the trophy at the 2019 LoL World Championship, but FPX made everyone that doubted them look foolish by skating through the event.

FPX placed first in its group, took the quarterfinals match against Fnatic, and bested regional rivals and defending champions Invictus Gaming in the semifinals. From there, FunPlus Phoenix cruised its way through the finals with a 3-0 win over G2 Esports.

One Pick’Em player, under the alias Last Breath, correctly predicted FPX’s path to victory and everything else surrounding it.

Only one LoL player takes Worlds 2019 Perfect Pick’Em Cache

Last Breath had to predict much more than just FPX’s run to post a perfect Pick’Em.

They had to correctly predict the final standings of the entire group stage and post a perfect bracket for the Knockout Stage, without making a single mistake. This was the only way to earn enough points to score the Worlds 2019 Perfect Pick’Em Cache.

While three players were left standing before the finals, two had G2 taking the win. The single lucky player that came out on top of the leaderboard now gets to enjoy five ultimate skins, including DJ Sona, Spirit Guard Udyr, Pulsefire Ezreal, Elementalist Lux, and Gun Goddess Miss Fortune.

Last year, not a single player was that lucky.

Correct predictions are a result of knowledge about regional leagues

Once the finals were finished, the lone Pick’Em winner ran an ask-me-anything thread on the League of Legends subreddit. Commenters congratulated them on their success and wondered what the logic behind their picks was.

Last Breath stated they regularly follow different regional leagues, which allowed them to accurately gauge how teams would stack up in the event.

“I follow all regions apart from a few of the WC regions. So from that, I made an educated guess but it always depends on who shows up on the day and who doesn’t,” the player shared. “Wasn’t expecting a 3-0 final though.”