Liquid’s Tactical wins the 2020 LCS Rookie of the Year award

By Christian Vejvad


Aug 28, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

New Team Liquid bot laner Edward “Tactical” Ra has won the 2020 LCS Rookie of the Year award with almost double the points of award’s the runner-up. 

Tactical had some big shoes to fill when he replaced the legendary bot laner Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng after the star ADC went to Team SoloMid between the spring and summer splits. Despite the pressure, Tactical has delivered and been a key part of Liquid’s rise back to the top.

The team had a terrible spring split, placing ninth after a turbulent start to the year. The poor split had Liquid make changes in the break, where Tactical got promoted to be the starting bot laner.

Together with support Jo “CoreJJ” Yong-in, Tactical has been consistent in the bot lane and has carried games when needed. The young prodigy has secured himself the third-best KDA in his role, only beaten out by veterans Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen and Jason “WildTurtle” Tran. He has also been dealing the third most damage per minute among all bot laners in the league, something he’ll look to continue in the important playoff matches. 

The second-place spot was secured by fellow bot laner Johnson “Johnsun” Nguyen, who has also been a consistent force in the bottom lane. In third, TSM support Erik “Treatz” Wessén was awarded for his summer split games helping TSM return to form. 

Top five candidates for 2020 LCS MVP award have been revealed

As we get closer to the anticipated MVP award announcement, Riot has cut down the field to just five players. The players are the remaining candidates for the Honda MVP award. 

Four of the contestants are players that have competed at the top of the LCS for years, but the Golden Guardians jungler Can “Closer” Çelik has snuck his way into the final MVP race after an impressive split. While Golden Guardians is already out of the playoffs, Closer has been the deciding factor in many of its wins and might be the next big jungle star in the LCS. The other four candidates for the MVP award are Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg, Nikolaj “Jensen” Jensen, Robert “Blaber” Huang, and CoreJJ.

The Honda MVP award will be announced on Friday, September 4, right before the final weekend of the 2020 LCS Summer Split playoffs kicks off.