Forecasting new developments and the latest trends in online gambling

By William Davis


Jul 29, 2022

Reading time: 4 min

With the technological advances of recent years, it’s become easier and more convenient than ever to gamble online. Betting on sports teams, gambling on casino games, and participating in poker tournaments has never been easier. Naturally, this has led to increased popularity for online gambling. The gambling industry has consequently pivoted towards this emerging market, and its current growth is predicted to continue.

In fact, data science company Grand View Research predicts that the online gambling market will be worth over $100 billion by 2025. This growth will be driven by various factors including the proliferation of mobile devices and widespread legalization for online gambling. The introduction of esports also plays a role, as it attracts a new audience that classic casinos struggle to bring in.

While already impressive, there are several other trends and developments going on right now in the world of digital gambling. Here are just some of the phenomena driving the growth of the online industry.

Esports betting is a godsend for bookmakers

Esports betting is one of the latest trends in online gambling, and current numbers point to rapid growth in the near future. Esports are organized video game competitions that typically feature teams of professional players. They’ve become increasingly popular in recent years, which gives bookies new games to add to the sportsbook. 

So far, esports betting has been most popular in Europe and Asia. However, it is expected to gain traction in other regions as well. With its potential for rapid growth, esports betting is an exciting new development in the world of online gambling.

Similarly to traditional sports, the markets for betting on esports matches can only increase with time. New esports are constantly being released, attracting new fans and creating new betting markets. Meanwhile, very few sports have managed to break into the betting sphere in the past decade.

Social games may be the future of online gambling

Social gaming has become one of the latest trends in online gambling. This type of gaming involves playing games with other people online for points, virtual currency, or prizes. Social gaming can take place on a variety of platforms, including Facebook, mobile apps, and dedicated gaming websites. 

Many social games are designed for short bursts, making them perfect for gamers who only have a few minutes to spare. In addition, social games often have built-in features that allow players to connect with their friends. 

Many of the world’s top online casinos are now offering social gaming options, as this trend is forecast to continue. The growth of social gaming is due to the current popularity of mobile devices, the younger generations’ preferred platform for social media and casual games. Social gaming is a fun and convenient way to gamble, and the itnerconnected nature of mobile devices has only helped it grow.

Casinos are taking mobile gaming very seriously

Mobile gaming is one of the latest trends in online gambling, and it shows no signs of slowing down. More and more people across the globe are getting access to smartphones and tablets. That opens up the option to play casino games, which in turn has led to a boom in mobile-friendly casinos and games. 

Mobile gaming offers several advantages over traditional online gambling including convenience, portability, and accessibility. With mobile gaming, players are no longer pinned down to a home computer. They can enjoy their favorite casino games at any time in any place. As the popularity of mobile gaming continues to grow, it is likely that we will see even more innovative new products and services emerge in the gambling industry.

Live gaming thrives while in-person gambling trickles away

Live gaming is one of the latest trends to hit the industry, and early stats say that the service is here to stay. 

Live gaming allows players to interact with real dealers in real time, creating a more immersive and realistic experience. Groups of players can connect from all over the world to play poker, blackjack, baccarat, and other traditional games with an actual dealer running the show. 

This online gambling trend is being driven by the popularity of live streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube Gaming. It also ties in with the growing demand for mobile gaming. In addition, it also connects with the recent trend towards social gaming. For many gamblers, the experience of interacting with like-minded individuals and meeting new people is a core part of the experience. Live gambling brings a touch of the in-person experience to anyone with a computer..

Online gambling is moving faster than ever before

MarketsandMarkets reports that the global online gambling market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.23% from 2020 to 2025. This phenomenal growth can be attributed to several factors, including increasing availability of the internet, growing popularity of mobile gambling, and widespread legalization of online gambling. The trends and developments outlined above make it clear that gambling is adapting to new technology faster than other industries, and bookmakers have plenty of things to keep their eyes on.