FEBIVEN retires from professional play after seven years

By Christian Vejvad


Jul 17, 2021

Reading time: 2 min

Former Fnatic mid laner Fabian “FEBIVEN” Diepstraten has officially retired as a professional player after more than seven years in the scene. 

The news was broken by FEBIVEN himself on Twitter recently. He has been playing for Fnatic Rising in the NLC during 2021. The 24-year-old mid laner is mostly known for playing with the main Fnatic roster back in 2015, where he and the rest of the squad pulled off the legendary 18-0 run in the 2015 EU LCS Summer Split. 

FEBIVEN retires from League of Legends after successful career

Throughout his career, FEBIVEN has marked himself as one of the biggest mid-lane talents to ever come out of Europe. At his peak, FEBIVEN could go toe-to-toe with the absolute best in the world. FEBIVEN started his career in early 2014 with Cloud9 Eclipse, followed by a split with H2k-Gaming before he was discovered by Fnatic. 

After joining Fnatic, FEBIVEN got to show what he was made of very quickly. During his first split in the EU LCS, FEBIVEN and the rest of Fnatic went all the way for the trophy with a 3-2 win over Unicorns of Love in the final. This was just the start of a number of great results, as that exact Fnatic lineup reached the semifinals at the 2021 Mid-Season Invitational. This was followed up by yet another domestic trophy and a semifinal at the 2015 World Championship. 

The following season wasn’t as good for FEBIVEN, who ended up joining back up with H2k-Gaming in 2017. The year after, FEBIVEN made a big move by joining Clutch Gaming in the North American LCS but it never turned out as the great signing that everyone would have hoped for. 

FEBIVEN had his last splits in the best European league last year with Misfits, before taking a step down to play for the Fnatic academy roster. Even though FEBIVEN has done great with Fnatic Rising in the NLC, it is now time for the veteran mid laner to put the mouse and keyboard to the side. 

What FEBIVEN will do next is still unknown but he will remain in the history books as one of the best European mid laners in his prime.