Dark Souls 3 multiplayer servers are finally back online

By Kenneth Williams


Aug 25, 2022

Reading time: 2 min

Dark Souls 3 servers are finally back online, and that means more fun for Elden Ring fans.

With the success of developer FromSoftware’s open world masterpiece Elden Ring, more gamers than ever have their eyes on the company and its games. The logical step after Elden Ring is Dark Souls 3, but a game-ruining glitch forced the developer to take its multiplayer servers offline. After months of anticipation, they’re finally back. Here’s what that means for aspiring Dark Souls fans looking to enjoy full online multiplayer.

FromSoftware announced that Dark Souls 3 online services are officially back on August 25, 2022. That announcement comes after over six months of waiting since early in the year. By bringing back online multiplayer, all of the following functions are now available again in Dark Souls 3.

  • Bloodstains
  • Cooperative summoning
  • Dueling
  • Invasions
  • White Sign Soapstone messages

FromSoftware did not give an update on restoring online functions for Dark Souls 1 and 2, though it is likely working on a solution for those games as well. Considering the studio’s silence on the Dark Souls 3 fix, expect a patch out of nowhere either sometime later this year or in 2023.

Dark Souls 3 servers online after new game+ hack fixed

Dark Souls 3 servers have been offline for months due to a devilish new game+ hack, but the glitch appears to be solved.

In late 2021, some Dark Souls 3 players began reporting that malicious invaders were forcing their game to enter a new game+ cycle. After connecting, players would immediately be warped to the beginning of the game, undoing all their progress. This was a total pain for experienced players, but for newbies getting ready for Elden Ring, it’s the most demoralizing thing possible.

Popular development studio FromSoftware announced that it would remove online features for the game in January 2022 in response to the hack. Since then, the studio has been quiet on updates. Now in August, the developer officially announced that online features have returned to Dark Souls 3. Aspiring Ashen Ones can return to the land of Lothric with confidence.