Cloud9 score wild comeback win over TSM in 2019 LCS Summer Split

By Melany Moncada


Jul 15, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Cloud9 scored a big rebound win to close out their week.

In a highly anticipated match between fan favorite organizations, Cloud9 kept fans on the edge of their seat with a wild comeback against Team SoloMid. It was a much-needed victory for the team after taking a shock loss to Echo Fox in their first game of week six of the 2019 LCS Summer Split.

Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg channeled his inner solo queue player and locked in Rumble. The move paid off as the TSM mid built up a clear advantage over his rival to the point where he could freely roam.

In the top lane, Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik kept Ziqing “Kumo” Zhao under his turret. Things weren’t going any better for Cloud9 in the bottom lane as Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen looked as strong as ever on his signature champion, Ezreal.

TSM put an end to the laning phase and grouped to get neutral objectives. C9 challenged their plays but were too weak to fight directly.

Despite the growing gold difference C9 stayed proactive, looking for space to bridge the gap. The baron buff was the focus for both sides, with every player knowing it stood as a win condition for TSM and a strong comeback mechanism for Cloud9.

Despite playing from behind, Cloud9 jungler Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen was not afraid of team fights while playing on Jarvan IV. He jumped in and trapped TSM inside Cataclysm. Kumo on Aatrox followed and, with help from Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi, they killed four TSM players.

Powered up with the baron, C9 destroyed the mid lane inhibitor but Jungler Matthew “Akaadian” Higginbotham protected the nexus and let TSM drag things out.

C9 had a stronger team fight composition and with the gold difference gone, the team got considerably bolder.

TSM had one last chance to close the game before C9 out-scaled them. The team found Svenskeren in the jungle around the baron pit and took him out. Without the enemy jungler threatening a steal, TSM claimed the baron buff.

C9 didn’t hesitate to counter and chased TSM through the jungle and once again took out four players. Akaadian was the last man standing, but he could only watch as C9 snatched away the win.

Week six ended with Team Liquid as the sole leader in the standings with a 9-3 record, while Cloud9 sits in second at 8-4. Cloud9 will look to get back into first place next week with matchups against 100 Thieves and Counter Logic Gaming.