Annie and Nautilus VFX updated, abilities finally match hit boxes

By Marta Juras


Jan 23, 2020

Reading time: 2 min

Riot Games is continuing with visual effect updates in League of Legends. This time around, it’s Annie and Nautilus’ turn.

Players have been enjoying League for 10 years as the game kept being updated with new features, champions, skins, and more. But as time passes by and more new models release, older ones can feel quite underwhelming standing next to them. This is why Riot often looks into updating the visuals on older champions, and they’ve recently done so with Ziggs, Thresh, Lux, and more.

The most recent visual update comes to Annie, the dark child that’s been a part of the champion pool since the beginning, and Nautilus, who joined three years later in 2012. These changes will be live on the public beta environment for testing and feedback collecton soon.

New cast and hit VFX for Annie, a more modern look for Nautilus

All of Annie’s abilities, as well as models for all of the skins, are getting updated. Her passive, Pyromania, will have a hit overlay for enemies that get stunned. The passive indicator is getting cleaned as well, with new missiles and hits being added to her basic attacks and to Disintegrate.

The updated Incinerate will finally match the actual hit box of the ability, a fix long due for implementation. While experienced players know their hit boxes by heart, having an ability that doesn’t match it can be distracting and confusing for beginners, especially with Annie. With her simple ability kit, she’s a champion often used to learn the basics of the game.

Molten Shield will be burning the ground around her, and Tibbers is getting new idle and fire effects, helping the opponents indicate that the bear is dealing AoE damage.

Similarly, Nautilus’ Dredge Line will more clearly represent its actual hit box, and Depth Charge explosions’ sizes will be adjusted to the hit box in addition to a new indicator. The rest of his abilities are getting cleaned up, with new effects that should better represent Nautilus, and his kit. The FFX update includes clean-ups across all of his skins as well.

More details about the VFX update are available here.