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All Augments and maps in LoL Arena: Soul Fighter

The new 2v2v2v2 brawler mode is coming to League of Legends, and we’ve compiled every map, modifier, and Augment available in the new LoL Arena mode.

Fans of Riot’s MOBA are getting a brand new LoL Arena game mode in the new Soul Fighter Event. In this event, four teams of two players face off in escalating 2v2 duels. The big twist to this mode is Augments, powerful upgrades that affect your champion in game-changing ways. In between rounds, you have Buy Rounds to purchase Items and Augment rounds to purchase Augments. We’ve assembled all the details you need to navigate every aspect of the new game mode.


Augments are the biggest shake-up in the new LoL Arena mode, so we’ve compiled every Augment. They are separated into three tiers, Silver, Gold, and Prismatic. In ascending order, they tend to be more powerful. These are all of the LoL Arena Augments in the game right now.

Video: Soul Fighter | Official Event Teaser - Riot Games

Soul Fighter | Official Event Teaser – Riot Games

Silver Augments

Silver is the lowest tier of Augment that LoL Arena players can get, they’re not jaw-dropping, but you can almost always find one that your champion can use.

  • Red Buff: Gain a permanent Red Buff, as in Summoner’s Rift.
  • Hextech Soul: Gain a Hextech Dragon soul.
  • Cloud Soul: Gain a Cloud Dragon soul.
  • Chemtech Soul: Gain a Chemtech Dragon soul
  • Blue Buff: Gain a permanent Blue Buff, as in Summoner’s Rift.
  • Ionic Spark: Enemies who use abilities near you take damage equal to the mana cost.
  • Virtuous Cycle: Your heals grant extra shield and your shield grant extra heals.
  • Vulnerability: Your item and damage over time effects can critically strike, gain 20% Critical Strike Chance.
  • Ice Cold: Your slowing effects reduce Movement Speed more.
  • Sweet Tooth: Grants 50 gold from healing plants and increase healing from plants by 50%.
  • Electric Field: Casting a summoner spell damages nearby enemies and grants extra movement speed afterwards for three seconds.
  • Spontaneous Altruism: Every 10 seconds, your next heal or shield is increased by 30%.
  • Fast Starter: For the first 10 seconds of every round, gain 40 Ability Haste and take 15% less damage.
  • Double-Edged Sword: You deal 20% more damage and take 10% more.
  • Adaptive Consumer: AD and AP from items are converted into Adaptive Force.
  • Ocean Soul: Gain an Ocean Dragon Soul.
  • Repulsor: When dropping below 60% and 40% health, nearby enemies are knocked away.
  • Shadow Runner: After using a movement ability or leaving stealth, gain 300 Movement Speed for two seconds.
  • Sonic Boom: Buffing, healing, or shielding an ally deals damage and slows enemies around them.
  • Don’t Blink: Deal more damage to enemies, scaling with how much faster you are than them.
  • Tormentor: Immobilizing enemies applies a burn that deals damage over time and applies on-hit effects.
  • Typhoon: Attacks fire a bolt at another nearby target that deals reduced damage and applies on-hit effects.
  • Deft: Gain 40% Attack Speed.
  • Erosion: Damage to enemies shreds Armor and Magic Resistance for four seconds, stacking up to 20 times.
  • Evocation: Gain the Evocation Summoner Spell, which channels to restore health and mana.
  • Executioner: Deal 10% more damage to enemies below half health, and reset your basic ability cooldowns on takedown.
  • Fallen Aegis: Start combat with a Black Shield that blocks magic damage and CC for 15 seconds.
  • Light ‘Em Up: Every fourth attack deals additional magic damage.
  • First Aid Kit: Gain 25% healing and shielding power.
  • Frost Wraith: Every eight seconds, automatically root nearby enemies for one second.
  • Guilty Pleasure: Immobilizing enemy champions restores max health for 5 seconds.
  • Now You See Me: Gain the Houdini Summoner Spell, which teleports you to the location you started your last movement ability at.
  • Infernal Soul: Grant an Infernal Dragon Soul, as in Summoner’s Rift.
  • Juice Box: Each round, you and your teammate get an additional juice for free.
  • Midnight Express: Automatically throw a Thresh lantern to your teammate every 12 seconds.
  • Mind to Matter: Increase your max health by half of your maximum mana.
  • Mountain Soul: Grant a Mountain Dragon Soul, as in Summoner’s Rift.
  • Warmup Routine: Channel to increase your damage this combat up to 30%.
  • Buckle Up: Spawn a Battle Sled on round start.
  • Blunt Force: Gain 10% Attack Damage.
  • Witchful Thinking: Replace your current items with random ones of a higher tier, and gain random items instead of gold during the buy phase.
  • Castle: Gain the Castle Summoner Spell, which allows you to swap places with your teammate.
  • Buff Buddies: You gain a permanent Red Buff and Blue Buff.
  • Contract Killer: Each round, mark an opponent to take 10% more damage and grant an extra 350 gold on death.

Gold Augments

Soul Fighter gold augments

Gold Augments are the bread and butter of the LoL Arena experience. Many of them aren’t as impressive as Prismatic Augments, but there are still lots of powerful strategies that involve these Augments.

  • Apex Inventor: Gain 200 Item Haste (Equivalent to 75% reduction on item cooldowns.)
  • Banner of Command: Grants the Banner of Command Summoner Spell: Increase your ally’s size and grant them 15% AD, HP, AS, and AP for 10 seconds.
  • Willing Sacrifice: When your ally drops below 30% HP, turn a portion of your HP into a shield for your ally.
  • Cannon Fodder: You enter combat launching from a cannon. The cannon is the same cannon you’ll have seen in URF and Nexus Blitz.
  • Celestial Body: Gain 1000 bonus Health, but deal 10% less damage.
  • With Haste: Gain Move Speed equal to double your Ability Haste.
  • Combo Master: Gain the Electrocute and Phase Rush keystone runes.
  • Soul Siphon: Gain 20% Critical Strike Chance, and 35% Lifesteal on Critical Strikes.
  • Tank it or Leave it: Your Critical Strike Chance can be used to Critically Defend, maxing out at 60% chance. Critically Defending reduces damage when you take it. Gain 20% Critical Strike Chance.
  • Die Another Day: Gain the Die Another Day Summoner Spell, which is a four-second-long Kindred Ultimate, preventing all units in the area from dying and healing all units in the area at the end.
  • Dawnbringer’s Resolve: Upon dropping below half HP, heal for 30% of your maximum Health over the course of three seconds.
  • Ethereal Weapon: Your Abilities apply on-hit effects.
  • From Beginning to End: Gain the First Strike and Dark Harvest keystone runes.
  • Extendo Arm: Automatically fire a Blitzcrank hook every 12 seconds at an enemy in range.
  • It’s Critical: Gain 40% Critical Strike Chance
  • Dive Bomber: Your team’s first death every round explodes, dealing massive damage.
  • Lightning Strikes: Gain Scaling Attack Damage scaling with your Attack Speed.
  • Mythical: You can buy any number of Mythic Items
  • Keystone Conjurer: Gain the Summon Aery and Arcane Comet Keystone Runes
  • Outlaw’s Grit: Your Movement Abilities grant you 15 Armor and Magic Resistance, stacking up to five times.
  • Perseverance: Gain massively increased Health Regeneration, further increased while at low HP.
  • Phenomenal Evil: Permanently gain one Ability Power when you hit enemies with abilities.
  • Rabble Rousing: Your abilities heal you for 2% max HP.
  • Firebrand: Your attacks apply an infinitely stacking burn that deals magic damage.
  • Recursion: Gain 45 Ability Haste.
  • Restless Restoration: You constantly heal a percentage of your max HP while moving. The further you move, the more you heal.
  • Defensive Maneuvers: Gain the Defensive Maneuvers Summoner Spell, which casts the normal Summoner Spells Barrier and Heal on you.
  • Scoped Weapons: Gain 250 Attack Range, 150 for ranged champions.
  • Searing Dawn: Your abilities mark enemies, marked enemies take additional damage from your ally’s next attack.
  • Shrink Ray: Your attacks reduce an enemy’s damage by 20% for three seconds.
  • OK Boomerang: You automatically launch a Sivir Boomerang at a nearby enemy every seven seconds.
  • The Brutalizer: Gain 25 Attack Damage, 10 Ability Haste, and 10 Lethality.
  • Thread the Needle: Gain 30% Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration permanently.
  • Vanish: Gain the Vanish Summoner Spell, which turns your invisible for 4 seconds.
  • Vengeance: Gain massively increased damage and Omnivamp while your ally is dead.
  • Unholy Grail: Damaging enemies with abilities stores 30% of the damage. Your next heal or shield on your ally heals them for an amount equal to the stored damage.
  • Take the Wheel: Replace all of your items with random items one tier higher, and gain random items instead of gold during the buy phase. (In ascending order: Legendary, Mythic, Ornn Artifact)
  • Momentous Strike: Generates bonus MS while moving. At maximum MS, automatically kick the first enemy you auto-attack with Lee Sin’s Dragon’s Rage Ultimate.
  • In Perfect Tempo: Every six seconds, automatically cast one of Sona’s Q or W.
  • Summoning Expert: Gain 200 Summoner Spell Haste
  • Flicker: At the start of combat and every 13 seconds, you teleport to a random location within the arena and stealth for three and a half seconds. Any stealths after teleporting from your first are one second.
  • Feeling Lucky: Gain two random silver Augments.
  • Parry: Grants the Parry Summoner Spell, which roots you but reflects all damage you would take back on the source.
  • Nimble: Gain 30% Dodge Chance.
  • Allure of the Fox: Hitting an enemy with a skill shot charms them for one second, once very eight seconds.
  • Intimidating Aura: Nearby enemies to you lose 25% Tenacity.
  • Assimilation: Gain 5% of an enemies stats on takedown.
  • Shadow Drafting: You are stealthed while standing behind your ally, taking damage disables this temporarily for two seconds.
  • Twice as Nice: Your Augments that grant bonuses per round activate twice. Each round, gain 100 gold or 500 XP.
  • Plating: Gain 75 Armor.
  • Runic Bulwark: Gain 75 Magic Resistance.
  • Vampirism: Gain 30% Spell Vamp.
  • Virtuoso’s Flourish: Every fourth attack Critically Strikes and deals bonus damage equal to a portion of the target’s missing HP.

Prismatic Augments

Soul Fighter prismatic augments

Prismatic Augments are the highest tier of Augments in the LoL Arena game mode, many of them fundamentally alter a champion’s playstyle or send their power level skyrocketing with huge buffs.

  • Accelerating Sorcery: Using an ability grants seven Ability Haste, this stacks permanently and infinitely.
  • Back to Basics: Your cannot use your Ultimate, but you gain 16% damage, healing, shielding, and 40 Ability Haste.
  • Blade Waltz: Gain the Blade Waltz Summoner Spell, which dashes you around an enemy and damages them as you become untargetable.
  • Slow Cooker: Every seven seconds, apply a stacking burn to nearby enemy champions that scales with your maximum HP. This burn stacks infinitely.
  • Windspeaker’s Blessing: Your Healing and Shielding also increase the target’s Armor and Magic Resistance for three seconds.
  • Zhonya’s Epiphany: Gain the Zhonya’s Epiphany Summoner Spell, which puts you in Stasis for three seconds, rendering you Untargetable and Invulnerable. You cannot act during the duration, but your spell cooldowns are reset.
  • Can’t Touch This: Casting your Ultimate makes you Invulnerable for a short duration.
  • Chauffeur: You are tethered to your ally, gaining 100 Ability Haste and 50% Attack Speed, they gain 15 Move Speed. Using a dash ability disables this for two seconds and teleports you to your ally.
  • Circle of Death: Your healing deal magic damage equal to a percentage of the health restored to the nearest enemy champion.
  • Courage of the Colossus: Gain a shield that scales with max HP after Immobilizing an enemy champion.
  • Eureka: You gain Ability Haste equal to 20% of your AP.
  • Feel The Burn: Gain the Feel the Burn Summoner Spell, which applies Ignite and Exhaust to nearby enemies.
  • Goliath: Grow larger and gain 30% HP, 30% AP, but lose 50% AS.
  • Jeweled Gauntlet: Your abilities can Critically Strike, gain 20% Critical Strike Chance.
  • Mad Scientist: At the start of each round, randomly become larger or smaller. You gain AD and HP when large and Ability Haste and MS when small.
  • Master Of Duality: Your Attacks grant you stacking Ability Power and your abilities grant you stacking Attack Damage.
  • Infernal Conduit: Your Abilities apply a bleed dealing physical damage over the course of five seconds. Any bleed damage you do refunds 2% of remaining cooldowns on your non-Ultimate abilities.
  • Mystic Punch: Your Attacks reduce your cooldowns by one second.
  • Omni-Soul: Gain three random Dragon Souls.
  • Quantum Computing: Automatically slash around you every 15 seconds. Your Automatic effects are affected by Ability Haste.
  • Spirit Link: 40% of damage dealt to your ally is directed to you instead, and 40% of their healing is also granted to you
  • Symphony of War: Gain the Lethal Tempo and Conqueror keystone Runes.
  • Tap Dancer: Your attacks grant 10 MS, stacking infinitely. Gain AS equal to 10% of your MS.
  • Earthwake: Your movement abilities leave behind a trail that detonates and deals damage after one second.
  • Thief’s Gloves: Gain random items each combat, increase stats and damage from items by 20%.
  • Trueshot Prodigy: Hitting an enemy from long range automatically fires a Trueshot Barrage at them.
  • Ultimate Revolution: Once per round, Refresh your Ultimate after casting it.
  • Wisdom of Ages: Gain one bonus level every two rounds, and one extra level per Augment round. Your maximum level is now 30.
  • Botanical Bully: Attacking a plant creates an explosion that deals 15% max HP true damage to enemies within range and knocks them back.
  • Shitake Happens: Three Teemo shrooms spawn in the arena, both enemies and allies can trigger them. Your traps effects are increased by 50%.
  • I’m the Juggernaut: Your MS is lowered and you can only alter it with the boots items. Gain 50% size, 25% HP, Armor, Magic Resistance, and Tenacity.
  • Summoner’s Roulette: Upon casting a Summoner Spell, grant a new random Summoner Spell on a seven-second cooldown.
  • Hug of Death: Grants the Hug of Death Summoner Spell, which Suppresses yourself and an enemy nearby, dealing heavy damage to both of you.
  • Dragon Trainer: Gain a Nomsy to fight beside you. (Nomsy is a draconic version of Gromp introduced in Teamfight Tactics: Dragonland.)
  • Blood Brothers: Draven gains Darius’ passive and Darius gains Draven’s passive.
  • Arbiter of Freedom: Immobilizing an enemy creates a 400-unit zone around you that reduces ally damage taken by 20%.
  • Pass-a-Fist: Your ally’s attacks trigger your on-hit effects at 50% efficacy.
  • 4-Leaf Clover: Gain 40% Critical Strike Chance and 30% Dodge Chance.
  • Bombardment: Fire a barrage of cannon shots for the first ten seconds before firing yourself as the last shot, similar to the Cannon Fodder Augment.
  • Combat Medic: Your auto-attacks deal 50% damage. Your auto-attacks heal your ally for 100% of their damage, split between both you and your ally. Gain 10% AD and AS.

Arena Cameos

Arena Cameos are modifiers to each map you can fight on, featuring one of the Soul Fighter characters. Each one is different and offers a different mini-game on some maps. The new LoL Arena mode comes with several characters for the Soul Fighter event, many of them touting Soul Fighter skins.

Video: Soul Fighter Samira Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - PBE Preview - League of Legends

Soul Fighter Samira Skin Spotlight – Pre-Release – PBE Preview – League of Legends

Sett: Sett adds a giant neutral Sett to the map. The team that gets the last hit on the Sett triggers his Haymaker, pointing in the direction of an enemy and unleashing a large cone of damage, with true damage to enemies directly in the middle.

Naafiri: Naafiri’s map includes Naafiri and multiple Packmates patrolling in a circular pattern around the map. Each of them has a vision cone in front of them, enemies that enter the cone will be seen by Naafiri and her Packmates. When Naafiri and her Packmates see a champion, they jump to that champion and dealing a burst of physical damage. After they do this, they jump back to their default positions and reset, resuming patrol after a short duration.

Samira: Samira’s map features a giant Samira, just like all the other maps’ respective Soul Fighter champions. Every time a champion is immobilized, Samira juggles that champion, extending their CC. Every fifth juggle, Samira reaches S rank and jumps to the enemy that was immobilized. Samira appears on that champion channeling her Ultimate, damaging the immobilized enemy and their ally if they are within the radius. After finishing her ultimate, Samira resets.

Evelynn: All players have Evelynn’s camouflage, making them invisible beyond a certain radius.

Lux: This map features a giant Lux. The Lux scans across the map, channeling her Ultimate on the first champion she detects. This Ultimate damages both teams.

Pyke: Pyke periodically casts Phantom Undertow, his dash, towards the furthest champion, stunning any champions hit.

Shaco: A giant Shaco walks around the map, placing down Jack in the Boxes constantly.

Viego: The first player to die is immediately revived as Viego for a short duration.

Jhin: A giant Jhin periodically casts Curtain Call, alternating shots between different players.

Gwen: Occasionally protects the player with the lowest max HP by granting them her W, Hallowed Mist.

That’s everything you need to know to dominate in the new LoL Arena game mode during the Soul Fighter event.

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