58.1% players in NA would rather win LCS than advance at Worlds
58% of the North American professional players say they would rather win the LCS than make it out of the group stage at the League of Legends World Championship.
Riot Games conducted a survey where 86 pro players had the chance to answer the most important questions. For example, which role is the most impactful in the game?
Which role means the most in League of Legends?
According to 43% of the players, mid lane is the most impactful role followed by the jungle with 40.7% and the support with 10.5%. Through 2019, the jungle-mid lane synergy became one of the most discussed topics. It’s known that having a strong synergy is the key to success for any team. Some of the duos with best synergy in pro play in 2019 were T1’s Kim “Clid” Taemin and Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, as well as FunPlus Phoenix’s Gao “Tian” Tian-Liang and Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang.
Once the question was changed and the players asked about the least impactful role in the game, 60.5% agreed that the top lane is the least impactful. 31.4% agreed that the bottom laner or AD carry is the least impactful player on the map.
When it came to domestic success versus international, 58.1% of the players said that they would rather win the LCS than make it out of groups in the World Championship. In the survey, Riot Games revealed that one former World Champion said that it was easier to win Worlds than it was to win the LCS. While this comment may sound controversial, the player in question might not be wrong.
The best examples of this is Samsung Galaxy, the 2017 World Championship team. The team has gone through several rebrandings and is now known as Gen.G, a world champion without a domestic title. Another example is Invictus Gaming, the team that won the World Championship in 2018 but didn’t earn its first LPL title until 2019.
The stat could also reflect each player’s level of accomplishment. Players at Team Liquid, who have won four conseuctive LCS splits while failing to advance past the group stage at Worlds, would likely trade in an LCS title for World Championship success. But players who’ve yet to experience domestic success may first wish for that.
The players also put an end to the biggest and most important debate in the league of legends community. Who is better, Europe or North America? 65.1% said Europe is the best region, so that’s settled. At least, for now.
The LCS resumes on February 2 with Week 2 of the 2020 LCS Spring season.
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