Raz and Jatt react to Cloud9 announcement of LS departure

By Nicholas James


Feb 24, 2022

Reading time: 2 min

On a recent episode of the Josh Leesman Experience podcast, caster Barento “Razleplasm” Mohammed and analyst Joshua “Jatt” Leesman reacted to the sudden departure of Cloud9’s famed coach.

Coach Nick “LS” DeCesare was suddenly released from his position as the Cloud9 LCS head coach, and Cloud9’s official statements have done little to illuminate the specifics. The two casters mused on the sudden collapse of Cloud9’s exciting new look in a single weekend and what it means for the future.

LS C9 departure overshadows TSM roster shuffle

Both Raz and Jatt remarked that heading into the week of LCS play, it seemed like the sudden demotion of Wei “Shenyi” Zi-Jie to TSM’s Academy roster was the only story competing for attention. Instead, after Cloud9 players had already taken to the stage, the departure of the head coach was made public on Twitter. Fans, casters, and hosts alike all had no idea what to make of the move. Such a huge change being announced in the middle of the day was unusual, to say the least.

Both looked to an interview with Ibrahim “Fudge” Allami, Cloud9’s top laner, to shed some light on the situation.

In an interview with Travis Gafford, Fudge indicated that internal issues between LS and others in the Cloud9 organization meant the players were aware that something was going to change one way or another. Fudge also confirmed that the players had known about the decision before it was made, which both Jatt and Raz took to indicate a longer-term internal struggle than the sudden announcement had indicated.

Both reacted before Cloud9 had issued an official statement, but seemed to expect more of an explanation from the players to be be provided by the C9 organization. LS has already returned to Korea and is streaming LCK play after departing the LCS. The context of both interviews and statements does make the dismissal seem like it ensued after substantial internal issues were had, but fans may never hear the full extent of the nature of those issues.



