OG defeat PSG.LGD in TI rematch to qualify for grand finals

By Neslyn Apduhan


Aug 24, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Once again, the TI8 champions have proved that they can break a TI curse and potentially become the first two-time holders of the Aegis.

History repeated itself as OG knocked down PSG.LGD to the lower bracket finals. The best-of-three series was a tight one that came down to the wire.

The first game brought much hype, especially for the Chinese Dota 2 fans watching in the arena. Their home team showed its dominance over the defending TI champions.

PSG.LGD opted for an Ember Spirit game. Wang “Ame” Chunyu’s exceptional skills were on full display as he roamed around the map and looked for valuable kills.

OG did not back down. The team drafted heavily team fight oriented heroes including Faceless Void, Pangolier, Elder Titan, Zeus, and Nature’s Prophet.

Both teams traded kills around the map. The difference between their collective net worth remained close through much of the game.

A team fight near Roshan’s pit translated to a huge win for PSG.LGD. OG failed to lock down Ame’s Ember Spirit as he engaged and disengaged multiple times in the same fight, wreaking havoc on OG.

Anathan “ana” Pham tried to control the map, but he overstayed his welcome in the middle lane. His Faceless Void was down for 120 seconds without a buyback. This successful pick was all PSG.LGD needed to close the game.

OG finds its comeback versus PSG.LGD


The Chinese team drafted another aggressive lineup in the second game. However, OG was ready for the onslaught this time.

OG brought its A-game and dragged PSG.LGD to its death. The Chinese team couldn’t respond to OG’s offensive plays countering their own.

At 22 minutes, the game was virtually uncontested and OG chalked up a victory to force a third and deciding game.

The third game saw Ame’s legendary Slark pick come out for PSG.LGD, much to the approval of the squad’s fans cheering them on.

OG drafted another Alchemist game for Ana. Topias “Topson” Taavitsainen had an unconventional Tidehunter pick for middle lane.

Lu “Somnus丶M” Yao’s Tiny dominated the early phase, but OG’s lineup was too tanky. Ana gave Topson an Aghanim’s Scepter, allowing him to style all over the opponents. The game’s broadcasters were shocked by Tidehunter’s dramatic damage increase towards the end of the game, and PSG.LGD was surely surprised as well.

Topson’s +250 damage at level 25 played a huge role in the late game team fights. PSG.LGD tried its best to defend its throne, but failed.

PSG.LGD will have to defeat Liquid in the lower bracket finals to find its rebuttal and attempt to win The International 2019.



