Town Faker is a new site for finding local LoL players in your area

By Melany Moncada


Jan 4, 2020

Reading time: 1 min

Have you ever wondered how many League of Legends players live in your city? A redditor has created Town Faker, a website where players can register and find other players in the same country and city.

League of Legends is a global community with millions of players logging in every day onto one of the eleven servers. Each server welcomes players from different countries, but the players have no way of knowing the place of origin of their teammates and opponents.

Town Faker allows the player to find other League of Legends players in the same city. To do so, the players must register on the website and verify their accounts through the League of Legends client. Once the players complete the registration process, their summoner’s name and rank will appear on the system. The ranked data updates automatically every 12 hours, so the players can keep track of the local rankings.

Town Faker is an easy way to find local players and create new communities. The project was developed by Kareem Kamal, a developer from Egypt currently based in the Netherlands. Egypt has a growing player base that must play in the EU West and EU Nordic & East, the second and third largest servers respectively.

The growing database does not include China and Southeast Asia, sd those servers are not operated directly by Riot Games. The Chinese server is operated by Tencent, while Garena oversees the servers across Southeast Asia.

On Reddit, the League of Legends community embraced Town Faker and immediately offered to help with the project. Kamal shared on his LinkedIn account a screenshot of the user count, 24 after going online the site haver over 600 visitors per minute. Most of the visitors are from Europe, Russia, and North America. Town Faker already has its own subreddit.

To register on Town Faker, visit the website. Remember you must be logged in on your League of Legends account.



