There’s one way to basically guarantee that planted bombs will detonate on Dust 2’s A bombsite.
One of the most common scenarios on Dust 2 is that terrorists take the A bombsite, plant the bomb in the elevated corner of the site overlooking long, and then set a man up in pit to ensure the bomb isn’t defused. Playing in pit with the bomb planted in the right spot is a strong position for anyone with a scoped rifle, as it’s all but impossible for CTs to defuse the bomb without a smoke grenade.
But one trick makes protecting the bomb even easier. It’s actually possible for a low-angle molotov to be thrown from the pit platform directly onto the bomb from a safe position. This makes it extremely difficult to defuse the bomb without a smoke grenade so long as the terrorist player remains alive in pit.
The molotov itself isn’t hard to pull off. Players just need to stand on the tuft of grass along the side of pit platform, then perform a running jump throw. The molotov will fly low enough to remain active and will deploy after bouncing off the box. This covers the entire corner of the box and is guaranteed to force CT players off the bomb.
Not only that, but the spot for the lineup is completely obscured from any sightlines around the A bombsite. This means that without a smoke grenade, the CTs only chance of defusing the bomb is sprinting down long, getting the kill, then sprinting back up to the bomb. That’s a lot of ground to cover in just 40 seconds.
Dust 2 is not CT-sided, and is actually one of the most favorable maps for the T side.
Across all past and present active duty maps, Dust 2’s T-side win rate is 51.8% compared to 48.2% for the CT side. The only map that has a better win rate for the T side is Vertigo, which has a 52.1% T-side win rate. The reasons for this are varied, but boil down to the importance of mid control and the terrorists’ ability to attack the area from multiple angles and use that variance to attack both sites.
Worth noting is that maps favoring one side of play is only really a major phenomenon in high-level play. For people below the upper echelons, strong gunplay, comms, and teamwork will ultimately carry the day regardless of which side a team is playing on.
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