These are the best Spike planting locations on Haven

By Olivia Richman


Aug 31, 2020

Reading time: 3 min

When playing on Haven, if you’re on the attacking team, you need to know the best places to strategically plant the Spike if you want to win. Where you choose to plant the Spike should not only play into your own team’s strengths and strategies but also the defending team’s numbers, agents, and possible location on the map. 

The Spike planting location can be the difference between a round being won or lost. Here are some recommended spots to plant the Spike on Haven to ensure victory. 

Haven: A bombsite Spike location

This is a pretty simple site with straightforward strategies. The mostly open area has a stack of boxes in the middle but not much else going on. It’s important to remember that defenders have the advantage at the A site because of Tower and Haven. That’s something you have to keep in mind when planting the Spike. 

The safest Spike location is behind the boxes, opposite Heaven. This gives the planter cover from defenders who might be camped in Heaven and Connector. While watching from Short and Long, use agents’ utilities to block off both sides and Heaven with a wall or smoke. Just remember that the defending team might also use abilities of their own, including mollies like Killjoy’s Nanoswarm, since this is a pretty predictable area. Brimstone players have also found some very creative ways to disrupt attackers in this location. 

To avoid defenders blindly tossing mollies your way, try planting the Spike in the middle of site A instead. The attacking team will need to make sure the site is clear before planting since you’ll be more exposed in this area. But once planted, the Spike can be watched from a variety of angles, including Connector and Hell. Defenders are unlikely to know where you’re positioned when they attempt a retake.

Haven Site A Spike

Haven: B site Spike locations

B site is a bit more friendly to attackers since it’s tougher to retake once your team has planted the Spike. Situated between site A and site C, attackers can easily make their way to site B from either side of the map. But where should you plant the Spike once you make your way to the site?

One good area is the left corner of the big box in the center of the site. This is the most common Spike location for B site. That’s because the left corner of the box gives you great cover from defenders coming from A site and C site. Meanwhile, your team can watch the Spike from Mid Window. Be aware that defenders will most likely spam mollies like Raze’s Cluster Grenade or Killjoy’s Nanoswarm since they’re likely to have a good idea of where you’re situated on the site. 

A less predictable alternative is the back of the big box. With visibility on the planted Spike from A and C, this is a great position if you feel the defenders may be pushing from Mid. Just make sure your team is facing the large box so defenders don’t have a chance to defuse it unless they’re right in your view from the back of the box. 

Haven B Site Spike

Haven: C site Spike locations

The last site on Haven is C site, which features a covered rectangular box in the center. The most common Spike planting location on this site is on the right back side of the box. This allows the attacking team to keep an eye on the Spike from Long and Garage. Always be facing Platform to increase your visibility from Long. 

Since this is such a strong option for attackers, defenders will most likely predict your placement and your teammates’ locations. So be aware that molly spam may be incoming. To avoid this, place the Spike close to the platform instead, to the right of the box. Your team will be able to watch it from Connector and C Link. While it’s a bit riskier to place the Spike here because of this visibility, it’s much harder to defenders to diffuse it for that same reason.

Haven C Site Spike

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