Blizzard is notorious for its extravagant April Fools jokes, and this year is no different.
This year, Overwatch devs “accidentally” published some crazy patch notes that included changes to every hero. The first big change is that every hero has been given a new voice line for their ultimate. In addition, ultimate charges will also keep 50% of their charge when players switch heroes.
Each role was also given a passive, similar to Apex Legends. But these ones were a bit questionable.
The most interesting changes, of course, were to the individual heroes. This includes Junker Queen’s Commanding Shout inflicting bleed damage on foes since she is shattering eardrums, Ramattra having his Omnic Form disabled, and Reinhardt having flight. And that’s just the tanks.
According to the totally and very real patch notes, Cassidy can’t be damaged when Combat Roll is active and Genji can heal himself when he requests healing — but only sometimes. Mei also got more walls. Some of the DPS changes seemed actually good, however, like Pharah not damaging herself with her own missiles and Tracer’s Recall pulling people into its vicinity.
When it comes to support heroes, Anna has become OP with the ability to get headshots with her Biotic Rifle. This will shake up the Overwatch League for sure. Kiriko can travel across the entire map, Lucio can deflect projectiles, and Baptiste can basically bounce around.
Every hero change also comes with a pretty funny note from developers. Here are the full patch notes.
All Heroes
Developer Comment: Veteran players have an advantage over newer ones when it comes to voice line recognition. In order to level the playing field, we’ve written and recorded new Ultimate voice lines for every hero.
To help players learn these new callouts, we’ve also increased the amount of Ultimate charge retained when swapping heroes.
Tank Role Passive
Developer Comment: Tank heroes are the raid bosses of teams. You should be fairly rewarded for defeating them, right?
Damage Role Passive
Developer Comment: It’s frustrating when you dive the backline by yourself and get no healing, especially when your team’s support heroes are busy respawning. This change should help keep you alive, at least.
Support Role Passive
Dev Comment: It’s tough to stay alive when flankers are about. This change should even out the odds a bit when you get ambushed. Please don’t use this offensively.
Developer Comment: The empowered Fist can also level a skyscraper or open a glass jar in a single attempt.
Seismic Slam
Developer Comment: It turns out the beams used to destroy projectiles also really hurt when used on people.
Defense Matrix
Developer Comment: Junker Queen yells so loud she damages the eardrums of her foes. Don’t worry though, it’s still a “friendly shout of encouragement” for her allies.
Commanding Shout
Developer Comment: It is believed that the threat of Orisa’s aerial body slam is the biggest crime deterrent in Numbani.
Javelin Spin
Developer Comment: Ramattra is a lot more effective when he’s in Nemesis Form, so he’ll stay like that until everyone has suffered as much as he has.
Void Barrier
Developer Comment: In order to further align Roadhog as a tank who punishes bad positioning, we’ve increased the range of Hook to make all positioning bad positioning.
Chain Hook
Developer Comment: Gravitic energy is quite potent. If it’s strong enough to lift a giant rock, it can lift anyone.
Dev Comment: Winston!
Developer Comment: Wrecking Ball unleashes his signature moves that made him the Champion of the Scrapyard battle arena.
Grappling Claw
Dev Comment: Gravity gravitates. That’s just science!
Graviton Surge
Particle Cannon
Dev Comment: In order to be more accurate to the fantasy, Dynamite fire now spreads between players.
Developer Comment: Bastion downloaded a software update, upgrading “Configuration: Assault” and allowing it to simulate his old “Configuration: Tank”
Configuration: Assault
Developer Comment: Cassidy can dodge anything using his cat-like reflexes. It’s a bit rough on his spine, though.
Combat Roll
Developer Comment: Echo now uses more of her fingers when shooting enemies.
Tri Shot
Developer Comment: Spamming a voice line for healing finally does something after everyone else has tuned you out!
Developer Comment: Hanzo spent many years mastering the bow and geometry to pull off this feat. It DEFINITELY has nothing to do with magic.
Storm Arrow
Developer Comment: Junkrat was a bit careless when packing his grenades, so now they spill out of his pockets whenever he knocks himself back.
Total Mayhem
Developer Comment: We noticed a decrease in Mei players helping their team “group up” in spawn with Ice Wall. This is core to Mei’s gameplay, so we added additional ice pillars to help facilitate it.
Ice Wall
Developer Comment: Rocket Jump? Sounds dangerous. But it is a viable means of travel when you can’t afford enough fuel.
Rocket Launcher
Hover Jets
Developer Comment: After getting shot one too many times, Reaper no longer poses in place before teleporting despite it looking very cool.
Shadow Step
Developer Comment: Sojourn hasn’t been performing quite up to our expectations after reducing her one-shot potential. To remedy this, we’ve added a very fair stun to her kit
Power Slide
Developer Comment: Why leave it on the ground when you can keep it in your pocket instead?
Biotic Field
Developer Comment: As a safety measure, the Translocator will forcibly separate solid objects that have been teleported into each other. Unfortunately, this process is also quite painful.
Developer Comment: It turns out there was a setting on Sentry Turrets that let’s them immediately target enemies when thrown! Symmetra estimates this change increases their efficiency by 32.33%…repeating, of course!
Sentry Turret
Dev Comment: We noticed that Torbjorn relies a little too heavily on his turret to deal consistent damage, so you won’t believe this one simple balance change that fixes that and makes him 1000% overpowered!
Developer Comment: Tracer now leaves a vacuum when she Recalls into the past. We are pretty sure this is how time travel works and will be taking no questions.
Pulse Bomb
Developer Comment: Poisonous bullets don’t work as quickly as normal ones do, but at least there’s more room for counterplay.
Widow’s Kiss
Developer Comment: Turns out whatever is in those syringes hurts a lot more when applied to the forehead.
Biotic Rifle
Developer Comment: Rumor has it that Baptiste is the record holder for both high and long jump.
Exo Boots
Developer Comment: Whip Shot now whips YOU! Works better if you say, “wheeeeee” while flailing about.
Whip Shot
Dev Comment: Kanezaka is a big town and Kiriko has lots of protecting to do. This change should help her get to where she needs to go in a timely fashion, especially during rush hour.
Swift Step
Developer Comment: We were alerted that Soundwave was able to knock back entire heroes but couldn’t do anything to projectiles. We’ve corrected this logical inconsistency.
Developer Comment: Our stats show that the “Battle Mercy” playstyle isn’t as common as we hoped. Here’s a small change that should nudge her damage potential in the right direction.
Caduceus Blaster
Developer Comment: You know that random Orb that killed you from across the map? That was 100% intentional. Biotics Orbs follow Moira’s every command, though they only understand “Stop” and “Go.”
Biotic Orb
Developer Comment: Zenyatta calls this technique the “Flying Kick,” but since he’s always floating should it just be called “Kick”?
Snap Kick
Overwatch 2 is close to wrapping up its third season, which means that we’re close to seeing the game’s next playable hero set to debut in season four. While Blizzard has yet to reveal this character, we do know at this point it will be a support hero.
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