These materials will get Shenhe and Yun Jin up to snuff as soon as you pull them in Genshin Impact.
The Genshin Impact fandom is already going crazy for Shenhe and Yun Jin. The pair of polearm users don’t have a set release date, but leaked artwork implies that they will most likely come out during the 2022 Lantern Rite. Anyone looking to add them to their main party, you’ll need to start farming their required ascension materials and talent books now. These are the required materials to level up and ascend Shenhe and Yun Jin in Genshin Impact.
Shenhe’s character ascension material will most likely be Crystalline Blooms.
The Cryo Hypostasis near the northwest corner of Dragonspine drops two to three Crystalline Blooms per clear at higher world levels. The boss also drops Shivada Jade materials for ascending cryo characters. The enemy materials needed for Shenhe are Whopperflower Nectar of all three rarities.
Lastly, Shenhe’s local specialty is the Qingxin Flower. These are a pain to farm on the Liyue mountaintops, but five can be bought every three days from Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue Harbor.
Shenhe’s talent books will be Prosperity. These can be farmed from Taishan Mansion on the west side of Liyue. Since Shenhe will be a sub-DPS character, that means that both her primary attack and elemental skill will need to be at a high level. Don’t forget to farm extra Whopperflower Nectar for the talents. Her trounce domain material is yet to be announced, but it will most likely come from an unreleased fight.
Shenhe’s ideal artifact set won’t be certain until grinders have had some time to experiment. The Blizzard Strayer set available from Peak of Vindagnyr at the top of Dragonspine is a solid bet to farm. The two-piece set boosts cryo damage by 20%. The four-piece grants a 20% crit rate boost against cryo-affected opponents and 40% against frozen targets. This will allow Shenhe to use a crit damage hat instead of crit rate, which will massively increase her damage.
Very little is known about Yun Jin so far, but the fact that she is a geo character means that she will most likely need Riftborn Regalia to ascend past level 40. These are available from the newest boss Golden Wolflord in Inazuma.
Yun Jin will also require Prithiva Topaz, which luckily drops from the same boss and the Geo Hypostasis in Monstadt. Yun Jin’s Liyue specialty is Glaze Lilies, which are currently only used by Ningguang. This could hint at a connection between Yun Jin and the Qixing council.
To level up Yun Jin’s talents, books of Diligence are required. Taishan Mansion in west Liyue is the only source of Diligence books aside from world chests and event rewards.
Her necessary monster drop is Masks from Hilichurls. These are needed to ascend Yun Jin past certain level caps and level up her talents. Info from leakers claims that Yun Jin will be a support, so just grab enough to level up her elemental skill and burst to a reasonable number. The final levels will require Ashen Hearts from the Signora fight in Tenshukaku, Inazuma.
Just like Shenhe, it will take time for players to figure out the best artifact set for Yun Jin. Based on what’s known about her kit, it seems like the Archais Petra artifact set will be best in class.
Unlike most other geo characters, Yun Jin seems to scale off max HP instead of defense. If that’s the case, the newest geo artifact set Husk of Opulent Dreams doesn’t offer much. Archaic Petra grants 15% bonus geo damage and gives 35% extra elemental damage after picking up a crystallize shard of the matching element. Archaic Petra is available from the Domain of Guyun located in Liyue’s Sea of Clouds.
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