League of Legends is a lot more fun if you play it with friends. But often, your friends might have a much higher rank than yours or the other way around.
This guide explores the best ways to solve this problem and the benefits of playing the game together with a group.
Your League of Legends MMR is a hidden number that gives Riot’s matchmaking system an idea of how skilled you are. Based on it, your victories and defeats might be worth more or fewer points. In time, your rank stabilizes at a certain level and then tends to stay there unless you get considerably better or worse.
Let’s say your current rank is Diamond. If you want to play with your Silver friends, you cannot do it. But what you can do is purchase some league of legends smurf accounts and the problem gets fixed right away. Such accounts are cheap and will allow you to enjoy winning games while carrying your friends.
When you play with complete strangers, you cannot use voice chat and the whole experience feels disorganized. Someone’s farming instead of joining a key team fight, or pushing instead of taking an objective.
Getting five people to synchronize is a lot harder than it seems. When you watch professional matches, it looks easy because those players have known each other for a long time and are among the world’s best.
They understand that in order to win, you need to play as a team. But try explaining such basic concepts to your Silver teammates and you will be amazed at how counterintuitive they are to them.
Friends not only communicate better. They also synchronize better because they understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses. They might know in advance what the strategy is and what everyone needs to do to succeed.
When things go wrong, a group of friends will deal with the situation more easily, whereas complete strangers might become unresponsive or even toxic. To ensure a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience, regularly performing a League of Legends MMR check can help you find teammates who are a good fit.
Your friends might not be the best players in the world at playing LoL, but at least you know what you can expect from them. When you get completely random teammates, you might find out that some of them are either terrible at the game or very unpleasant to be around.
You can easily waste 20-40 minutes competing alongside someone who is a complete liability. The problem with LoL is that every single role is important, so it’s sufficient to have one person on your team who’s much worse than expected and the entire match will be ruined.
The only thing that saves you in such cases is a similar person on the enemy team. In such scenarios, whoever gives up first mentally usually loses.
Playing LoL with friends gives you the opportunity to pick champions that synergize really well. When you and a friend of yours take the bottom lane, you can easily start dominating from the start and then carry the entire team to an easy victory.
Some champion combinations are completely overpowered in the early game. Others are overpowered in the late game. Depending on your strategy, you can pick whatever you think is right or at least fun and then enjoy 20-40 minutes of entertainment.
Ideally, you want to play together with friends who specialize in different roles. If two or even three people want to play the carry role, the experience will likely leave some of you completely unsatisfied.
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