Everything you need to know about Pokemon Go Arlo

By Melany Moncada


Oct 27, 2022

Reading time: 1 min

Every Pokemon game has a variety of interesting characters. Professors, Gym Leaders, friends, and foes, the list grows with every new generation. Pokemon Go is no exception, it’s time to talk about Arlo.

Known as the Vengeful Aristocrat, Arlo is a former team Valor member turned Team GO Rocket Leader. Arlo used to be a close friend of Candela before she became a leader of Team Valor. Arlo is described as sly, manipulative, and ambitious. It’s Arlo’s ambition that led him to join Team Go Rocket.

How do you battle Arlo in Pokemon Go?

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Arlo is sneaky and finding him requires a Rocket Radar. This item is built using six pieces of Mysterious Components. Players earn these pieces by defeating Team GO Rocket Grunts. It could be the grunts that show up in air balloons or the ones taking over Poke Stops.

Once the Rocket Radar is complete, it can be used to scan the surrounding areas and get Arlo’s location. The Rocket Radar has only one use. Once the encounter with Arlo is complete, trainers must collect more Mysterious Components to find the other Team GO Rocket Leaders.

As a Team GO Rocket Leader, defeating Arlo requires strategy. Arlo specializes in Steel type Pokemon, but this is not the only type he brings out in battle. In every encounter, Arlo will use a combination of the following Pokemon:

  • Charmander
  • Charizard, Mawile, Salamence
  • Gardevoir, Scizor, Steelix

Fire and Steel type Pokemon share a weakness against Water type Pokemon. Kyogre with Surf is a good option when it’s time to face Arlo. Against the rest of Arlo’s party, a combination of Fire, Steel, and Bug type Pokemon will get the job done.

Arlo is a strong opponent, so rushing to face him will only lead to defeat. Take time to get a selection of strong Pokemon and train them.
