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Did Apex Legends rank reset come early?

By William Davis


Aug 12, 2024

Reading time: 2 min

Respawn recently shipped significant changes to Apex Legends rank reset, but the duration of each split remained the same. However, that’s not the case for players who have lost their ranked progress in Apex Legends Season 22.

Apex Legends is no stranger to progress lost bugs. All in-game items and ranked progress were wiped out in April in a game-breaking bug. While everything was restored, the bug caused a lot of panic and nuisance for regular players. Now, the game repeated the same bug, but only for the season split rank reset.

Just one week into Season 22, which launched on August 6, players are lamenting the loss of their hard-earned ranked progress – a frustrating repeat of past issues.

What’s the Apex Legends rank rest bug?

Apex Legends buster

Players are reporting that they have lost their ranks and have been demoted to Bronze or so in a new bug. According to them, when they logged back into Apex Legends on August 12, they saw the new split screen. After that, their rank was reset, leading to all progress lost.

This is due to an Apex Legends rank reset bug, at least, that’s what we have gleaned from Respawn’s latest post on X.

According to the developer, the split coming early was not intentional, and they’re investigating the issue. Until then, if you haven’t logged into Apex Legends, it’s best to keep it that way.

Will I get my rank back after Apex Legends progress lost bug?

Since a large chunk of the Apex Legends player base has reported the issue, it’s possible that the rank will be fixed and players will return to their original ELO.

However, another possibility is that players may have to start over the grind. This is due to the fact that it’s not been long since the new season’s rank reset, and the developer may keep things as is. But it’s mere speculation, and it’s best to wait for Respawn’s official verdict regarding Apex Legends rank reset bug before jumping to conclusions.


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