Apex Legends player count drops, Steam reviews remain negative
Apex Legends players are concerned as the game declines both in popularity and player count.
Respawn’s Season 22 changes to Apex Legends battle pass had left players with a sour taste. Eventually, the developer reverted those changes, allowing them to purchase the battle pass with their hard-earned Apex Coins again, but that’s something that has left them with a grudge.
Despite the run back, the Apex Legends Steam page is swamped with negative reviews, with the game at the bottom of the top 10 Steam games.
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Apex Legends player count 2024
On Steam, Apex Legends had an average of 119,618 players in the last 30 days, which is 14% less than in June.
In June, the game lost 16% of its player count and has now maintained a drop for two months in a row. Consequently, Apex Legends keeps entering and leaving Steam’s top 10 games based on peak hours in populated regions. While a drop in the top 10 rankings may not be conclusive evidence of waning popularity, the trend in Steam reviews serves as a more telling indicator of Apex Legends’ trajectory.
On Steam, the game currently has “Mostly Negative” reviews, with only 7% positive reviews in the last 30 days. The credit all goes to the battle pass change that angered the players. Apex Legends players already had plenty of complaints about the game, and the update only added fuel to the fire.
Players have long been complaining about poor servers and cheaters in competitive games. The Season 22 update was the last nail in the coffin, one that Respawn has failed to pull out even after the backpedal.
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The good thing is that overall reviews on Steam are still “mixed,” which is better than negative. However, the decline in player count is concerning for seasoned Apex Legends players. It remains to be seen if new updates and the human tendency to forget past issues can help bring the game back into the limelight.