Apex Legends leak includes abilities of new hero Rampart

By Rebekah Drake


Aug 27, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

Data miners have possibly uncovered the abilities of a new playable character in Apex Legends.

According to hidden code in Apex Legends’ game files, a new legend named Rampart can build turrets and defenses for their team. The information was leaked earlier this week by a data miner known as That1MiningGuy or T1MG on social media.

That1MiningGuy has unearthed a number of interesting bits of code in Apex Legends in recent months. While these discoveries are often relatively minor such as new game assets or artwork, this one gives fans a possible early taste of what’s in store for the game’s next legend.

Rampart’s abilities in Apex Legends


According to T1MG the first ability revealed in the coding is Amped Cover. According to the description in the code, it allows Rampart to “build a cover that provides a damage boost.” This object can be picked up and relocated during the game.

His second ability is called My Friend Maxim. “Maxim” refers to a mounted machine gun that the Legend can place. According to the code, it can be used by Rampart’s whole team. There is also code relating to Rampart pulling out a wrench which can be used as a melee weapon or to repair his structures, similar to Torbjorn in Overwatch.

Finally, a Gunner ability is included that offers increased ammo capacity for light machine guns.

This isn’t the first time that Rampart’s name has appeared, as details on the character were first leaked in February alongside a few other names including Wattson and Octane.

While Rampart seems to be fully imagined in terms of his abilities, fans shouldn’t get too excited about his release quite yet. Code has been unearthed for a number of legends that have not yet been released including ReckonerSkunner, and Revenant, while Crypto was also teased in the trailer for season two.

Either way, with season three just a few weeks away, fans can likely expect something concrete in the near future.



