Apex Legends fires back after KFC posts meme about lack of updates

By Olivia Richman


May 17, 2019

Reading time: 2 min

It’s 2019 and there’s nothing brands love more than being petty on Twitter. Wendy’s may be the OG of fast food restaurants delivering sick burns to customers and competitors alike, but KFC apparently wants a piece of that artery-clogging, deep fried meme clout. 

KFC has a Twitter account dedicated to gaming. This video game meme account has almost 50,000 followers. One of their latest tweets, however, got them the back-and-forth drama they’ve probably been waiting for. 

KFC Gaming tweeted this photo: 


The meme is in response to developer Respawn Entertainment’s announcement that no updates will come to Apex Legends until E3 next month. Despite Respawn’s initial statement causing an uproar amongst players because of their lack of communication and the continued silence over major game-breaking bugs, most people seemed to be flaming KFC’s tweet anyway. 

It’s Twitter after all. 

“I’d love for KFC to comment on a company putting employees first,” said one Twitter user, referencing Apex Legend’s purposeful decision to lay off on constant updates to make sure they’re not another Epic Games. Management at Epic recently under fire for overworking their Fortnite development team, who sometimes worked up to 100 hours a week to keep up with the game’s constant updates. 

Interestingly enough, that’s not the same attitude many Apex Legends players had to the lack of updates and communication over on Reddit

But Apex Legend’s loyal Twitter fans weren’t the only ones to respond to KFC Gaming’s meme. Respawn Entertainment developer Rayme Vinson also responded to the fried chicken fast food joint’s jab. 

“Dearest brand, we’ve got tons of stuff coming, but it takes a little time. We can’t hyper-fry or flash-flambe or crunch-inject, or whatever it is you do to your tasty fried birdflesh. This gameplay is hand-crafted using old-world techniques. Eat some chicken, we’ll see you soon,” Vinson tweeted out. 

Of course, this is Twitter, so the same group that roasted KFC with “Silence, brand” memes to stand up for Apex Legends were now using Vinson’s respons to also come at the game for the very reason KFC Gaming made the meme to begin with. 

“Can I get an explanation as to why when you have a fix for a bug that is plaguing the game, you wait to update in mass instead of rolling out a smaller update to at least address that one issue? Many of us can’t fathom the logic behind that decision,” tweeted one fan in response.

Ah, the beauty of social media.  



