Influential streamer Emiru died yet again in WoW hardcore at level 41, and now fans wonder if she’ll make another new character or leave OnlyFangs altogether.
OnlyFangs is easily the most attention-grabbing thing to come out of World of Warcraft in the last couple of years. A band of streamers joining one guild and tackling World of Warcraft Classic hardcore is a recipe for drama. It’s also a recipe for much in the way of content, whether it’s Chance “Sodapoppin” Morris dying at level 60 or streamers getting kicked for breaking the guild’s rules.
On the other hand, some streamers also leave OnlyFangs of their own accord. Emily “Emiru” Schunk is one of the most well-known streamers in OnlyFangs, though her recent character death has worried fans. There are murmurs that Emiru may leave OnlyFangs and fans want to know if there’s any merit to those claims.
Emiru has uninstalled World of Warcraft after dying at level 41, making clear for now that she doesn’t intend to rejoin OnlyFangs for hardcore raids.
Emiru’s death occurred when she was being chased by some Skullsplitter mobs alongside Matthew “Mizkif” Rinaudo. The streamer feigned death to get the aggro off of her character. While it initially seemed like it was working as the enemies were attacking her pet Cheddar, things went downhill fast from there. All of the enemies regrouped around Emiru’s character and killed the streamer without letting her react further.
In response to the death, Emiru stated she couldn’t hit the level 60 requirement in time for the first OnlyFangs raid. She then proceeded to uninstall the game before ending her stream.
It’s important to note this isn’t the first time Emiru’s character died during this World of Warcraft hardcore run. But it does seem like it’ll be the last.
With Emiru’s death and unofficial departure from OnlyFangs raiding, there’s a chance Mizkif may leave the guild too. The two streamers have consistently played the game together, and Mizkif’s character dying would likely push him to leave as well.
Emiru’s death has fans divided. While some say she didn’t have a chance of escaping, others think she could have easily prevented the death. While the streamer was feigning death, most of the mobs went after the other players while only one stayed behind to attack Emiru’s pet. Many, including Sodapoppin, state she that had the perfect opportunity to escape at that time but simply didn’t do so.
Emiru usually streams a variety of content, though she was streaming World of Warcraft Classic hardcore more to hit the level 60 requirement for raids. The streamer leaving OnlyFangs suggests she’ll now have more time for other activities, including League of Legends and cosplay streams that usually draw consistent viewership.
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